Выступал под именами: Abdullah The Butcher, Abdullah the Hun, Zeras Amalas, Pussycat Pikens, "The Madman from the Sudan", Kuroi Jujutsushi (Black Wizard), Larry Shreeve, Zeras Amala, Abby, "The Wildman from the Sudan", Blade Bourdeaux, "Black Magic Teacher" Abdullah The Butcher |
Коронные приемы: Суданский Колун Мяса (Бегущее Падение Локтя на горло), Удар Вилкой, Дропкик, Удар Карате в горло, Удар вилкой в голову, Удар вилкой в глаз, Летящий Сплэш с нижнего каната, Падение Локтя с нижнего каната, Прыгающий Хедбатт, Ныряющий Двойной Штомп, Удар стулом |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Картоум, Судан |
Менеджер: Eddie "The Brain" Creatchman, James J. Dillon, Gary Hart, Bearcat Wright, Rock Hunter, Paul Jones, Jimmy Hart, Paul E. Dangerously, Paul Ellering, Skandor Akbar, Harley Race, Sheik Adnan El Kassey, "Gentleman" Jim Holliday, Hugo Savinovich, Chicky Starr, Rip Rogers, Tully Blanchard, Mike Rotunda, Cuban Assassin, Frenchy Martin, Damien Kane, Sir Dudley Clemens, Honest John Portly, The Sheik, The Grand Wizard, The Great Mephisto |
Снимался в фильмах: The Roaring Fire |
The Sheik's Army (AJPW/WWC, ????): Jerry "Crusher" Blackwell, Bruiser Brody, The Dungeon Master, The Sheik, Soldat Ustinov | House of Humperdink (????, ????): Bruiser Brody, Gene Anderson, Elijah Akeem, Kareem Muhammad, Jos LeDuc, Paul Jones, The Great Muta, Ivan Koloff | Sullivan's House of Animals (WCW, 1990-1991): Kevin Sullivan, Cactus Jack, Big Van Vader, Diamond Studd, The One Man Gang | Piper's Palace (NWA, 1972): Roddy Piper, Jimmy Valiant | New Age Management (WCCW, 198?): Al Perez, Gary Hart, Jeep Swenson, John Nord |
NWAWildside Heavyweight Title /Georgia Version/ Columbus Heavyweight Title /Georgia Version/ British Empire/Commonwealth Heavyweight Title United States Heavyweight Title /Chicago & Detroit Version/ Texas Brass Knuckles Title Central States Tag Team Title [2] Canadian Heavyweight Title /Calgary Version/ Canadian Tag Team Title [2] Canadian International Heavyweight Title International Tag Team Title Tag Team Title /Detroit Version/ Georgia Television Title Texas Hardcore Title Macon Heavyweight Title Columbus Heavyweight Title | WWCFirst-ever Heavyweight Title Puerto Rican Heavyweight Title [3] Universal Heavyweight Title [5] Caribbean Heavyweight Title [2] Hardcore Title North American Heavyweight Title [2] 18-Man Battle Royal Winner [1996] | IWFCanadian Heavyweight Title | Stampede WrestlingNorth American Heavyweight Title [5] | NWFWorld Heavyweight Title [2] International Heavyweight Title | PWFHeavyweight Title United States Heavyweight Title | TWATag Team Title | WCCWTexas Brass Knuckles Title | IWAInternational Heavyweight Title [3] | Big JapanDeath Match Heavyweight Title | All JapanInternational Tag Team Title United National Heavyweight Title Carnival Championship Winner [2] 17-Man Heavyweight Battle Royal Winner [2008] | TWFTag Team Title | Vancouver All-StarsTag Team Title | GeorgiaColumbus Heavyweight Title | NAWANAWA Hall of Fame [2008] | TPW (Tokio Pro)Tag Team Title | IWCInternational Title | Northwest PromotionsBattle Royal Winner [2] 1967 | WCW, ROH, SW, JWA, AWA, MLW, IWA East Coast, 3PW, JAPW, ECW, ICW, IWA Mid-South, WAS, GCW, CCW (Carolina), FNW, Memphis Wrestling, Mexico, BTW, PWNE, PWA, BCW, CAPW, PWW1, USA Pro Wrestling (UXW), IWCCW, Powerhouse Wrestling, New Tokyo Pro Wrestling, UWA, SCW, Tri State Wrestling Alliance, WWA, IPW 2000, WAR, JCW (Juggalo), XPW, NCCW, APW, IPW, TCW, New Japan, Dragon Gateпоясов нет | TournamentAll Japan Carnival Championship Winner [2] 1976; 1979 |
Wrestling Observer - Hall of Fame [1996]
Squared Circle Social Club - Hall of Fame [200?]
Georgia Wrestling Hall of Fame - Hall of Fame [2005]
NAWA - Hall of Fame [2008]