NWA Elite (NWA, 2003): Jeff G. Bailey, Iceberg, John Phoenix, Rainman, Azrael, Onyx | Special K (ROH, 2004): Angel Dust, Becky Bayless, Brian XL, Cheech, Cloudy, Dana Dameson, Deranged, Dixie, Hydro, Hijinx, Izzy, Jody Fleisch, Joey Matthews, Krazy K, Lacey, Lit, Mellow, Mikey Whipwreck, Slim J, Slugger, Yeyo | Team USA (BCW, 2005): Rhino, "Phenomenal" AJ Styles, Alex Shelley, "Wildcat" Chirs Harris, "Cowboy" James Storm, Jerry Lynn, Conrad Kennedy III, Joe Doering, Jimmy Jacobs | The Family (NWF, 1995): The New Wizard, "Beautiful" Bobby Harmon, Angel, King Kahuna | The New Royal Family (NWF, 1999): The Informer, Honest Brett Michaels | Jarrett's Army (NWA, 2006): "King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner, "Wild Cat" Chris Harris, "Cowboy" James Storm, Gail Kim, Jackie, James Mitchell, Alex Shelley, Scott D'Amore, Bobby Roode, Eric Young, Petey Williams, A-1 | Team USA (AAA, 2006): Senshi, "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles, Homicide, Samoa Joe, Traci | La Legion Extranjera (Foreign Legion) (AAA, 2007): Konnan, El Mesias, Kenzo Suzuki, Head Hunter A, Head Hunter B, Nicho, Sabu, X-Pac, Ron Killings, Black Bufalo, Josh Raymond, Sean Waltman, Nate Webb, Black Magic, Kenzo Suzuki, Rikishi, Mike Modest, Low-Ki, Lance Hoyt, Homicide, Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Elix Skipper, Samoa Joe, Traci Brooks, Christy Hemme, Tiana Ringer, Hernandez, Scott D'Amore, Frankie Kazarian, Scott Steiner, Rhino | ???? (NWA, 2003-2004): Goldy Locks, "Baby Bear" Alex Shelley | ???? (1PW, 2006): Sterling James Keenan, Jack Storm, Dave Moralez | The Unholly Alliance (IWC, 200?): Jimmy Vega$, Sebastian Dark, Shirley Doe, Super Hentai | Immortal (TNA, 2010): Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett, Ric Flair, AJ Styles, Desmond Wolfe, Bobby Roode, James Storm, Kazarian, Douglas Willams, Matt Morgan |