Выступал под именами: Al Snow, Leif Cassidy, Avatar, Shinobi, Steve Moore, "Aluring" Al Snow, "The Snowman" Al Snow, The Five Star Ninja, "The Ultimate Fighter" Al Snow, "The Clown Prince of Hardcore", "Doctor Albert Snow", Diamond Dave, Masked Ninja, "The Clown Prince of Hardcore", "Doctor Albert Snow", "Sloppy Joe" |
Коронные приемы: Снежный Плуг (Скуп Брайнбастер), Снежная Бомба (Боковой Бросок в Спайнбастер в Присед), Сноу-Плекс (Суплекс Тачки), Мощная Бомба через голову, Лунное Сальто, Азаи Лунное Сальто, Ныряющий Легдроп, Хедбатты с захватом, ДДТ, Бегущий Клофслайн, Бейсбольный Подкат, Лунное Сальто из Трамплина, Дракон Слипер, Суперкик, Комбо Захват Бэкбрекера/Легдроп с вершины стойки (со Стивом Блэкменом) |
Коронные фразы: What does everybody want? |
Откуда: Лима, Огайо |
Менеджер: Head, Jim Cornette, Skandor Akbar, Jerry "The King" Lawler, Jonathan Coachman, Pepper the dog, Pierre, Justin Lee |
Снимался в фильмах: Masters of the Universe, They're Just My Friends, Keeping Up with the Jonesers, Knight Fever, Mountain Mafia, Rudy, The Still Life, Rose Colored Miles |
JOB Squad (WWF, 1998-1999): Bob Holly, Scorpio, Duane Gill, The Blue Meanie | The Dynamic Duo (SMW, ????): Gino Hernandez, Kane | Cornette's Army (SMW, ????): Jim Cornette, Kane, Buddy Landel | Team Extreme (ECW, 1997-1998): Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Taz | Camp Cornette (USWA, 199?): Jim Cornette, Bobby Eaton, Bruiser Bedlam, Tom Pritchard, Jimmy Del Ray, Stan Lane, Unabomb | EV 2.0 (Extreme, Version 2.0) (TNA, 2010): Bill Alfonso, Brian Kendrick, Brother Devon, Brother Ray, Guido Maritato, Jerry Lynn, Mick Foley, Pat Kenney, Raven, Rhino, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, The Sandman, Stevie Richards, Tommy Dreamer, Tony Luke |
WWETag Team Champion Hardcore Champion [6] European Champion Tough Enough Trainer Co-hoster of "Sunday Night Heat" WWF Commentator (RAW) | MCW (Midwest Championship)Heavyweight Title ICW United States Tag Team Title [6] Midwest Tag Team Title [2] Midwest Territorial Title | GWAHeavyweight Title Tag Team Title [5] Junior Heavyweight Title BodySlammers Tourney Winner | MTW (Midwest Territorial)First-ever Heavyweight Title [2] Tag Team Title [2] | BCWCan-Am Tag Team Title | WWAWorld Tag Team Title | SMWTag Team Title | JAPWHeavyweight Title | USA Pro Wrestling (UXW)Heavyweight Title | TMWHeavyweight Title | OVWOVW TroubleShooter OVW Trainer | GLCWHeavyweight Title | MCW (Motor City)Heavyweight Title Tag Team Title | GAME, NWC, NWA, WOW, Midwest All-Pro, BTW, NWC, WCW, ECW, IZW, MSWA, EWF, AIW, ECPW, Japan, CPW, IWA East Coast, DCW, 1PW, CAPW, BPW, Northeast Wrestling, ICW, NYWC, IWR, Buffalo, IWC, 3PW, APW, IWA Mid-South, MWF, PWX, BAW, UWF, GLW, UCW, OCW, NEW, TWE, PWA, TNA, GSW, IPW: UK, TNA, Powerhouse Wrestling, DTW, Chikara Proпоясов нет | TournamentGWA BodySlammers Tourney Winner [1994] MTW First-ever Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1994] MCW Midwest Territorial Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1994] |
???? - Pin Me Pay Me Award
RSPW - Best Jobber to the Stars [1999]
Wrestling Observer - Most Underrated Wrestler [1996]
Wrestling Observer - Worst Worked Match of the Year [1999] vs The Big Boss Man