Выступал под именами: "Amazing" N8 Mattson, Nate Mattson, "The Real" N8 Mattson, Amazing N8, "The Amazing One" |
Коронные приемы: Огненная Бомба, ТорН8о ДДТ, Бам Раш (С.Т.О.), М-80 (Качающаяся ШейнаЯ Бомба), Двойной Чоп, Невероятный Легдроп (Гильотинный Легдроп), Гордбастер, Суплекс Заворот Кишок, Бастер Рыбака, Н8-Фактор, Европейский Апперкот, Мексиканский Армдраг, Летящий Лариат, Крутящийся Обратный Удар Локтя, Комбо Кобра Глотч/Русская Подсечка |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Детройт Рок Сити |
Менеджер: "The 1st Lady of the IWR" Miss Natasha, Bubba McKenzie |
Снимался в фильмах: |
New Raging Threat (IWR, 2002): Antony Rivera, Breyer Wellington, Truth Martini, "Playboy" Bubba McKenzie | The Threat (IWR, 2005): "Tne Next" Breyer Wellington, "Southwest Shooter" Anthony Rivera, "The 1st Lady of the IWR" Miss Natasha | Michigan Invasion (MII) (WAR, 2005): Eddie Venom, Truth Martini, Jaime CoxXx | The Threat (IWR, 2003-2004): Truth Martini, "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles, "The Next" Breyer Wellington, "The Southwest Shooter" Anthony Rivera | Michigan Invasion (MII) (AAW, 2006): Truth Martini, Eddie Venom, Brian Gorie, Zach Gowen | ???? (PWW1, 2006): Steve Corino, Ricky Landell | Team IWR (IWR, 2004): Jimmy Jacobs, Gavin Starr, Jaimy Coxxx, Frankie The Face | The Elite (????, 200?): Dave Duponte, Gary Dawson, Keith Anderson, Conrad Kennedy III, Pete Christie, Ricco Rodriguez | The House of Truth (XICW/AAW, 2008-2009): Disco Inferno, Eddie Venom, Truth Martini, Zach Gowen, Christin Able, Josh Raymond |
XICWFirst-ever Light Heavyweight Title [2] Tag Team Title [3] Light Heavyweight Tag Team Title Intense Championship Title Midwest Heavyweight Title [2] | CAPWNorth American Junior Heavyweight Title [2] North American Tag Team Title 14-Team Tag Team Battle Royal Winner [2007] | IWRHeavyweight Title King of the Indies [3] First-ever Tag Team Title First-ever "Triple Crown Champion" Gauntlet Match Winner [2006] | NWAMichigan Cruiserweight Title [2] Michigan Tag Team Title Great Lakes Junior Heavyweight Title [3] | GLAPWHeavyweight Title | BCWTag Team Title [2] Television Title | TCWCruiserweight Title | PWLTelevision Title | MMWAMarquee Title | UCWCruiserweight Title [2] | AWA/PWW1Great Lakes Openweight Title | AAWTag Team Title | CIWCruiserweight Title | MPWHardcore Title Metropolitan Title | Price of GloryChaotic Title | CWMMichigan Heavyweight Title | PWLTelevision Title | IWA Mid-South, IWF, BCW, HoTW, MWA, WAR, 3PW, WW, AWWL, CWF, PTW, PWA, OVW, RPW, SCW, Stranglehold Wrestling, APW, HPW, PWAS, Whiplash Wrestling, American Luchacoreпоясов нет | TournamentXICW First-ever Light Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [2001] |
IWR - Wrestler of the Year [3] 2002; 2003; 2004
IWR - Match of the Year [2003] with Breyer Wellington; Truth Martini & Anthony Rivera vs Team IWR
PWL - Wrestler of the Year [2000]