Выступал под именами: Andre the Giant, The Giant Machine, Monsiuer, Eiffel Tower, Monster Rousimoff, Giant (Geant) Jean Ferre, "The Eighth Wonder of the World", Andre "The Butcher" Rousimoff, Butcher Roussimoff, Monster Eiffel Tower, Geant Ferre |
Коронные приемы: Биг Бут, Бросок Бабочки (Одноручный Бросок), Медвежий Захват, Большой Боди Слэм, Падение Локтя, Хедбатт, Удушение, Чоп, Падение на Бедро, Гробовая Плита, Пускатель Слюней, Большой Сплэш, Бэкбрекер |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Молиен, Гринобль, Франция |
Менеджер: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, Frank Valois, "Captain" Lou Albano, K.Y. Wakamatsu |
Снимался в фильмах: Princess Bride, Trading Mom, Micki & Maude, Hulk Hogan's Rock 'N' Wrestling (TV), Conan the Destroyer |
Bobby Heenan Family (WWF, 1986-1990): Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Haku, The Red Rooster, Rick Rude, Mr Perfect, The Barbarian, Tama, Hercules, Harley Race, Paul Orndorff, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, King Kong Bundy, Big John Studd, Brooklyn Brawler | The Machines (WWF, 1986): Captain Lou Albano, Big Machine, Super Machine, Hulk Machine, Animal Machine, Piper Machine, Crusher Machine, Macho Machine, Dragon Machine, Junkyard Machine, Rebel Machine, Honky Tonk Machine |
WWFHeavyweight Champion World Tag Team Champion Hall of Fame Inductee Battle Royal Winner [1979] | IWE IWATag Team Title | NWAUnited States Tag Team Title /Tri-State Version/ Florida Tag Team Title Australasian Tag Team Title | IWAWorld Heavyweight Title | WWWF, Canada, Europe, AWA, WWC, TSW, MSW, WCCW, All Japan, IPW, New Japanпоясов нет | TournamentNew Japan MSG League [1982] New Japan MSG Tag League [1981] New Japan IWGP League [1985] |
Wrestling Observer - Hall of Fame [1996]
Wrestling Observer - Feud of the Year [1981] vs Killer Khan
PWI - Most Hated Wrestler of the Year [1988]
PWI - Most Popular Wrestler of the Year [2] 1982; 1977
PWI - Match of the Year [2] 1981 vs Killer Khan; 1988 vs Hulk Hogan
PWI - Editor's Award [1993]
WWF - Hall of Fame [1996]
PWHF - Hall of Fame [2002]