Выступал под именами: Billy Graham, "Superstar" Billy Graham, Superstar Graham |
Коронные приемы: Медвежий Захват, Суплекс |
Коронные фразы: I am the greatest - the man with the power!; I'm the man of the hour, the man with the power, too sweet to be sour!; I eat T-bone steaks. I lift barbell plates. I am sweeter than a German chocolate cake!; I am reflection of perfection. The number one selection.; I am the woman's pet, the men's regret.; I am the man of the hour. The man with the power; I am to sweet to be sour; I am bad to the bone |
Откуда: Парадайз Валлей, Аризона |
Менеджер: The Grand Wizard of Wrestling, "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Oliver Humperdink, Paul Jones, Adnan El Kassey, Kevin Sullivan |
Снимался в фильмах: |
WWWFHeavyweight Champion | WWEWWF Manager Hall of Fame Inductee | NWAHawai'i Heavyweight Title Florida Heavyweight Title [2] Southern Heavyweight Title /Florida Version/ Texas Brass Knuckles Title [3] World Tag Team Title Florida Tag Team Title Battle Royal Winner [1973] | IWE IWAHeavyweight Title | CWAHeavyweight Title | AWA, JCP, MACW, Memphisпоясов нет |
Bodybuilding - Mr. Teenage America [????]
Slammy Award [1987] - Real American Award
PWI - Most Hated Wrestler of the Year [1973]
PWI - Match of the Year [2] 1977 vs Bruno Sammartino; 1978 vs Bob Backlund
WWE - Hall of Fame [2004]
PWHF - Hall of Fame [2009]