Выступал под именами: JBL, Justin Bradshaw, Texas Hawk, Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw, John Hawk, Death Mask, Blackjack Bradshaw, Vampiro Americano (American Vampire), "The Survivor", "The Wrestling God", "Mr SmackDown!", Ivan, Pasquotti, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, "Voice of SmackDown!", "Mr Ratings", "The Self-made Millionaire", "The Longhorn Loudmouth", "The Self–proclaimed True American Hero" |
Коронные приемы: Клофслайн из Ада/Клофслайн из Уолл Стрит (Клофслайн от канатов), Насосный Бросок, Последний Зов (Фалл Авей Слэм), Супер Последний Зов (Фаллавей Слэм со стойки ринга), Биг Бут, Техасская Бомба/Бомба JBL (Мощная Бомба), Слипер, Повторяющиеся Падения Локтя, Качающийся Некбрекер, ДДТ, Чоп тыльной стороной ладони, Медвежий Захват, Аргентинский Бэкбрекер, Шипастая Бомба (с Фаруком), Комбо Бэкдроп/Некбрекер (с Фаруком), Двойной Спайнбастер (с Фаруком), Удар по глазам, Короткий Клофслайн |
Коронные фразы: I am Mr. SmackDown!!!; I am a wrestling... GOD!!; I am who I say I am, and I am a wrestling god!; There are legends, there are Hall of Famers and there are all-time greats, but there is one, and only ONE wrestling god!; I know well, I know full DAMN well that I will not walk out or be carried out of there the same as I do now!; This is JBL, and I'm American.; I smell like smoke son because I have been through fire.; You are not in my league.; What I say I do, and what I want I get.;I am here to make an impact!; People like you should strive to be people like me; He's built like tarzan, I will make him look like Jane; Normal people never let their dreams get farther than their front door because they are afraid of failure. I have never been afraid of failure and I have never failed.; I think it's time that you stop listening to your Sunday school fairytales and start listening to Machiavelli who says that there is no right and no wrong in society and that people do things because they want something back! It's simple cause and effect. I understand that & that is why people like me run businesses, run industries, and people like me run governments.; What I say I do and what I do I do very very well.; I am a window that makes you look into your own souls and you don't like what you see.; I might as well take the Fifth Amendment because the First Amendment doesn't mean a damn thing in society today. Everybody loves free speech....until you use free speech.; Calling me anything other than a great American is like calling Mother Teresa a prostitute.; I came into this world alone & I will leave alone. I don't need a damn soul with me. Come Hell, Come high water. Take your best shot America. John "Bradshaw" Layfield is right here and I'm not going to back up from anybody!; Work Harder...Work Smarter.; You people hate what you can't be |
Откуда: Свитвотер, Техас |
Менеджер: Uncle Zebekiah, Amy Weber, Jacqueline, The Jackyl, Skandor Akbar, Orlando Jordan, Jillian Hall |
Снимался в фильмах: |
The Corporate Ministry (WWF, 1999): Shane McMahon, The Undertaker, Paul Bearer, Farooq, Mideon, Viscera, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Chyna, Greenwhich Posse, Big Boss Man, Vince McMahon | Ministry of Darkness (WWF, 1999): Undertaker, Paul Bearer, Farooq, Mideon, Viscera, Gangrel, Edge, Christian | Hell's Henchmen (WWF, 1999): Farrooq, The Jackyl | Acolyte Protection Agency (WWF, 2000-2001): Farrooq, Mideon | Devastation Inc. (GWF, ????): "Action" Perry Jackson | The Cabinet (WWE, 2004): Orlando Jordan, Doug Basham, Danny Basham, Amy Weber | Team JBL (UWF, 2007): Homicide, Hernandez, Steve Corino, CW Anderson, "Primetime" Elix Skipper |
| The Acolytes/APA (WWE/MCW): Faarooq | Right to Nudity (WWF): Faarooq | The New Blackjacks (WWF): Blackjack Windham | Devastation Inc. (GWF): "Action" Perry Jackson | Texas Mustang (GWF): Bobby Duncam Jr. | Team Angle (WWE): Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Hardcore Holly, John Cena | Team JBL (UWF): Homicide, Hernandez, Steve Corino, CW Anderson, "Primetime" Elix Skipper | Team JBL (WWE): Kane, MVP, The Miz, John Morrison | - (GWF): Black Bart | - (CWA): David Finlay | - (USWF): Equalizer | - (CWA): Cannonball Grizzly |
WWEHeavyweight Champion European Champion Hardcore Champion [2] (10) Tag Team Champion [3] United States Heavyweight Champion Intercontinental Champion Tag Team Turmoil Winner [1999] 8-Team Battle Royal Winner [1999] First-ever APA Barroom Brawl Winner [2003] "Grand Slam" Title Winner "Triple Crown" Champion | GWFTag Team Title [2] | USWFTag Team Title | CWATag Team Title | MCWSouthern Tag Team Title | OVWSouthern Tag Team Title | NWANorth American Heavyweight Title | KoreaHeavyweight Title | CWF, FILL, Europe, wXw, UWFпоясов нет | TournamentWWE №1 Contender Tournament Winner [2005] |
WWE - Kurt Angle Great American Trophy Award Winner [2004]
Wrestling Observer - Best Gimmick [2004]
Wrestling Observer - Worst Worked Match of the Year [2002] with Trish Stratus vs Christopher Nowinski & Jackie Gayda
Pro Wrestling Report - Color Commentator of the Year [2006]
Football - NCAA Division II All–American /Abilene Christian University/ [1989]