Выступал под именами: Buddy Landel, "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel, "Nature Boy №2", Buddy Landell |
Коронные приемы: Штопорный Локоть, Боди Слэм, Падение Локтя, Захват-Четверка |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния |
Менеджер: James J. Dillon, Jim Cornette, Scotty Ace, Paul Adams, Skandor Akbar, The Duke, Bill Dundee, Lori Fullington, Ronald Gossett, Dawn Marie, Sherri Martel, Ron Slinker, Patricia Steinman, Johnny Angel |
Снимался в фильмах: |
Cornette's Army (SMW, ????): Jim Cornette, Kane, Al Snow | The First Family (Memphis, ????): "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert, "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, Killer Karl Krupp, Sheik Abdullah, Andy Kayfman, Rick McGraw, Masanobu Fuchi, The Great Nita, Jimmy Hart, "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel, Uncle Elmer, J. R. Hart, Tom Brandy, Jimmy Cicero | The Militia (SMW, 199?): The Punisher, Jim Conrette, ???? |
NWAGeorgia National Heavyweight Title National Heavyweight Title United States Tag Team Title /New Jersey Version/ Continental Heavyweight Title | WWCCaribbean Heavyweight Title Caribbean Tag Team Title North American Heavyweight Title North American Tag Team Title | IWA Mid-SouthHeavyweight Title | SMW"Beat the Champ" Television Title Heavyweight Title | CWAMid-America Heavyweight Title [4] | USATennessee Heavyweight Title [2] | Louisiana/OklahomaMid-South Television Title | AWASouthern Heavyweight Title [2] | TWA (Tri-State)Heavyweight Title | USWAHeavyweight Title | MAWANational Heavyweight Title | AlabamaContinental Heavyweight Title | SSWHeavyweight Title Tag Team Title [2] | NDWHeavyweight Title [2] | IPWAHeavyweight Title | IRWHeavyweight Title | TMWHeavyweight Title [2] | AIWFHeavyweight Title | IWAHeavyweight Title | NCWHeavyweight Title | USATennessee Heavyweight Title [2] | UAWTag Team Title [2] | WCW, WWF, OVW, GWF, ICW, ASW, Memphis Wrestling, GWF, UWF, OVWпоясов нет | TournamentAWA Southern Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1986] |
Kentucky - Most Influential WWF/WCW Wrestler [1990]