DeGeneration X (WWF, 1997-1999): X-Pac, Jesse James, Billy Gunn, Rick Rude, Jim Neidhart, Mike Tyson, Shawn Michaels, Triple H | Corporation X (WWF, 1999): Shane Mcmahon, Shawn Michaels, Triple H | The Corporate Ministry (WWF, 1999): Shane McMahon, The Undertaker, Paul Bearer, The Acolytes, Mideon, Viscera, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Greenwhich Posse, Big Boss Man, Vince McMahon | The Corporation (WWF, 1998-1999): Shane McMahon, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, The Big Boss Man, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Mankind, Sgt Slaughter, Shawn Michaels, Kane, Paul Wight, Ken Shamrock, Rocky Maivia, Test, Vince McMahon |