Выступал под именами: Dennis Gregory, "The Golden Boy", "Softcore Superstar" Dennis Gregory, "Independent Legend" |
Коронные приемы: Прикосновение Мидаса, Плачущая Ива, Легдроп с вершины стойки, Бэкслайд |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Петерборо, Англия |
Менеджер: "Hot Shot" Drew Lazario |
Снимался в фильмах: |
The War Machine (IWC, 2007-2008): Brent Albright, "Fabulous" John McChesney, Sebastian Dark, Daivari, CJ Sensation, HENTAI, Steven Colter | Alliance Gregory (IWC, 2007): Brent Albright, Sebastian Dark, "Fabulous" John McChesney |
IWCHeavyweight Title [5] | SCWHeavyweight Title Tag Team Title | CWFFirst-ever Heavyweight Title [2] Tag Team Title [2] First-ever Robert K. Dench Memorial Battle Royal Co-Winner [2000] | PPWHeavyweight Title | PPW (Pittsburgh)First-ever PGH Pro Title | PWXNorth American Heavyweight Title [4] Tag Team Title Television Title | APWLInternet Title | FWA, FNW, SCW (Steel City)поясов нет |
IWC - Most Memorable Moment [2004]
IWC - Wrestler of the Year [2007]
IWC - Most Hated Wrestler of the Year [2007]
CWF - Wrestler of the Year [2] 2000; 2004
CWF - Most Hated Wrestler of the Year [2] 2000; 2002
CWF - Most Popular Wrestler of the Year [2004]
CWF - Match of the Year [2003] vs Scottie Gash
CWF - Tag Team of the Year [2002]
CWF - Robert W. Wench Memorial Courage Award [3] 2004; 2005; 2006