Выступал под именами: Dutch Mantel, Texas Dirt, Uncle Zebekiah, "Dirty" Dutch Mantel |
Коронные приемы: Атака Жвачкой Ребенка (Кнут) |
Коронные фразы: You lowdown, egg-sucking dog! |
Откуда: Нефтяное Корыто, Техас |
Менеджер: |
Снимался в фильмах: |
The Desperados (NWA, 1989): Black Bart, Deadeye Dick | Stud Stable (SMW, 1993): Robert Fuller, Jimmy Golden, Brian Lee, Rock 'n' Roll Express | La Familia del Milenio (WWC, 2000): Angel Rodriguez, Bouncer Bob, Bouncer Bruno, Chicky Starr, Ray Gonzalez, El Exotico, Maelo Huertas, Rico Suave, La Tigresa, Victor the Bodyguard |
NWAMid-America Heavyweight Title [12] Georgia Junior Heavyweight Title Southeastern Heavyweight Title Southern Tag Team Title /Mid-America Version/ Southeastern Television Title Mid-America Tag Team Title [2] TNA Head Booker | AWASouthern Heavyweight Title [4] Southern Tag Team Title [3] International Heavyweight Title [2] Battle Royal Winner [198?] | WWCUniversal Heavyweight Title North American Tag Team Title [4] Tag Team Title | CWAHeavyweight Title [3] | AlabamaUnifed World Heavyweight Title | UWAUnifed World Heavyweight Title | USWAUnifed World Heavyweight Title | GWFTag Team Title | HPW (Indiana)First-ever Heavyweight Title | SMWSMW Commentator | WWFWWF Manager | IWA Mid-SouthIWA Mid-South Consultant IWA Mid-South Manager | GCCWTag Team Title | IWA (Puerto-Rico)IWA Booker | MPPW, Memphis Wrestlingпоясов нет | TournamentNWA Mid-America Tag Team Title Tournament Winner [1978] |