Выступал под именами: Gorgeous George (original), "The President", "The Human Orchid", George Wagner, Almer the Great |
Коронные приемы: Оттягивание за штаны и волосы, Скрытое Удушение, Падение Колена в горло, удары сжатым кулаком, Хип Тосс, Бэкфлип |
Коронные фразы: It's Channel No. 10. Why be Half Safe?; Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!; I Don't Think I'm Gorgeous But What's My Opinion Against Millions of Others? If Guts is All it Takes I've Got Plenty; Keep Your Dirty Hands Off My Hair!; Come Little One, It's Time for My Marcel!; I Solemnly Swear and Promise I Will Never Confuse this Gold Georgie Pin with a Common Bobby Pin, So Help Me Gorgeous George! |
Откуда: Севард, Небраска |
Менеджер: Jeffries |
Снимался в фильмах: Pardon My Toehold; I've Got A Secret! (TV) |
AWAWorld Heavyweight Title /Boston Version/ | Pacific CoastPacific Coast Light Heavyweight Title [4] Pacific Coast Junior Heavyweight Title | NWASouthern Heavyweight Title /Georgia Version/ Gulf Coast Heavyweight Title | Los AngelesWorld Heavyweight Title /Los Angeles Version/ | ????Northwest Middleweight Title |
Wrestling Observer - Hall of Fame [1996]
PWHF - Chapter Member [????]