Выступал под именами: Gorilla Monsoon, Gino Marella, Bob Marella, "Manchurian Giant" |
Коронные приемы: Сплэш Гориллы/Манджурский Сплэш, Гигантское Кружение, Вертолетное Кружение, Чопы, Пресс Слэм Гориллы, Бэкбрекер |
Коронные фразы: Will you be serious?!; Highly Unlikely; It's the irresistible force meeting the immovable object; He wouldn't know a wristlock from a wrist watch; Give me a break!; Will you stop!?; Batten down the hatches; They're literally hanging from the rafters here!; Stick a fork in him, he's done!; Holy mackerel!; He nailed 'em with it!; It's pandemonium!; They're going bananas!; Getting close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades, Jess!; I love it! |
Откуда: Манджурия, Китай |
Менеджер: |
Снимался в фильмах: Jess Ventura: The Story |
WWWFUnited States Tag Team Champion [2] WWWF Booker | WWFWWF President WWF Commentator WWF Road Agent Hall of Fame Inductee | WWAWorld Tag Team Title [2] | IWAWorld Heavyweight Title | WWCWWC Promoter North American Heavyweight Title [2] | JWA, NWFпоясов нет |
WWF - Hall of Fame [1994]
Ithaca College - Athletic Hall of Fame [1973]