Выступал под именами: Grim Reefer, The Grim Reefer, Reefer, K-Reef, Kevin Reef |
Коронные приемы: Прожиг, Некбрекер об колено, Хронический Захват-Крест (Спутниковый Захват-Крест), Лебедь Бом, Суицидальный Прыжок Лягушки с края ринга, Гробовая Плита, Хроник Кроссфейс с вершины стойки, ДДТ с вершины стойки, ДВД, Прыгающая Компакт-Свая, Бродячая Бомба Лебедя, Бейсбольный Подкат |
Коронные фразы: If you got it... SMOKE IT! |
Откуда: Квинс, Нью-Йорк |
Менеджер: Julius Smokes, Tony Lo |
Снимался в фильмах: |
Cronic (????, ????): ???? | Team NY (USA Pro Wrestling (UXW), 2005-2006): Homicide, Monsta Mack, Havok, Deranged | The Rottweilers (ROH, 2004-2006): Homicide, Julius Smokes, Low Ki, Rocky Romero, Ricky Reyes, Slugger, Bison | The Rottweilers (ROH, 2003): Homicide, Slugger, Bison, Benny Blanco, Julius Smokes |
NYWCHeavyweight Title Light Heavyweight Title John Stengel Memorial Cup [2004] | USA Pro Wrestling (UXW)Xtreme Title [2] | LIWFAll Boro Title North American Heavyweight Title Tag Team Title [2] | UWALightweight Title | NWS2nd Chris Candido Memorial J-Cup Winner 7th Jersey J-Cup Winner [2006] | NWACyberspace Cruiser-X Title | JAPWNew Jersey State Title [2] | FTWHeavyweight Title Battle Royal Co-Winner [2008] | DCWTag Team Title | ICWTag Team Title | CZW, ROH, CSWF, VPW, ABC, PWE, PW Elite, RWA, PWX, PWU, WSU, BPW (BIG), JSW, WPW, PHWпоясов нет | TournamentNYWC 1st Annual John Stengel Memorial Cup Tournament Winner [2004] NWS 2nd Chris Candido Memorial J-Cup Tournament Winner [2006] NWS 7th Jersey J-Cup Tournament Winner [2006] |
Declaration of Independents - Cruiserweight of the Year [3] 2004; 2006; 2007
Declaration of Independents - Faction of the Year [2006] with Homicide; Low Ki & Havana Pitbulls
Declaration of Independents - Most Underrated Wrestler of the Year [2005]