Выступал под именами: Hulk Hogan, "Hollywood" Hogan, "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, Hulk Machine, Sterling Golden, Dos Amigo I, Mr. America, Hulk Boulder, The Super Destroyer, Terry Bollea, "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan, Terry "The Hulk" Boulder, The "Incredible" Hulk Hogan, "Ichiban" ((Number One), "Superman" Hulk Hogan, "The Immortal Icon of Professional Wrestling", "The Fabulous" |
Коронные приемы: Атомный Легдроп/Бессмертный Легдроп/Голливудский Легдроп (Бегущий Легдроп), Биг Бут, Золотое Сжатие (Медвежий Захват, как Золотой Стерлинг), Медвежий Захват, Боди Слэм, Серия ударов закрытым кулаком, Экс Бомбер, Двойной Эксхендл, Летящий Двойной Эксхендл, Катящийся Армбар, Высокое Колено, Дроп Той Холд в Передний Замок Лица, Экс Бомбер (Лариат Скрюченной Рукой), Скуп Слэм, Царапание Спины, Двойной Биг Бут (с Эйджем) |
Коронные фразы: When you're in the nWo, you're in it for life!; What'cha gonna do, What'cha gonna do brother when Hulkamania runs wild on you?; What'cha gonna do when Hulkamania, and the largest arms in the world, runs wild on you!; Train, say your prayers, and eat your vitamins!; Hulkamania is running wild!; What'cha gonna do when My 24-inch patriots run wild on you?; Hulk Rules!; Well, ya know something Mean Gene..; Well let me tell you something, brother!; Brother!; Dude!; When you're with the nWo, when you're with Hollywood, you're just...too...sweet!; Anything less would be too civilized!; God created the Heavens, he created the Earth! He created all the Hulkamaniacs! Then, he created a set of 24-inch pythons, brother!; This is where the power lies, brother!; To all my little Hulkamaniacs, say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong! If It wasn't for Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff would still be selling meat, from a truck in Minneapolis! |
Откуда: Венис Бич, Калифорния |
Менеджер: Jimmy Hart, "Classie" Freddie Blassie, "Captain" Lou Albano, Billy Spears, "Luscious" Johnny Valiant, Ted DiBiase, Miss Elizabeth, Eric Bischoff |
Снимался в фильмах: Rocky 3, The Ultimate Weapon, Bimini Code, Goldie and the Bears, Suburban Commando, No Holds Barred, Mr. Nanny, Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Santa with Muscles, 3 Ninjas: High Moon at Mega Mountain, Spy Hard, Zeus, The Fifth Element, Friday, McCinzey Island, The Secret Agent Club, Shadow Warriors: Assault on Devil's Island, Shadow Warriors II: Hunt for the Death Merchant, Muppets From Space, Thunder in Paradise I, II, III (TV), The Punisher, Hulk Hogan's Rock 'N' Wrestling (TV), Little Hercules in 3D, Scary Movie 5, Hogan Knows Best (TV), Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling (TV) |
The Mega Powers (WWF, 1988): Randy Savage, Miss Elizabeth | New World Order (WWF, 2002): Kevin Nash, Scotty Hall | The Millionaire Club (WCW, 2000): Ric Flair, Terry Funk, Scott Steiner, Diamond Dallas Page, Horace Hogan, Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, Elizabeth | Hulkamaniacs (WCW, 1994-1995): Randy Savage, Sting, Dave Sullivan | New World Order (WCW, 1996): Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Ted Debiase, Eric Bischoff, Syxx, Scott Norton, Mr Wallstreet, Big Bubba Rogers, Buff Bagwell, Masahiro Chono, nWo Sting, Vincent, The Giant, Nick Patrick | New World Order (WCW, 1997): Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Syxx, Eric Bischoff, Rick Rude, Konnan, Buff Bagwell, Hiroshi Tenzan, Keiji Muto, Masahiro Chono, Scott Norton, Randy Savage, Miss Elizabeth, Dennis Rodman, Vincent, Curt Hennig | nWo Black & White (WCW, 1998): Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Curt Hennig, Rick Rude, Scott Steiner, Brian Adams, Horace Hogan, Scott Norton, Eric Bischoff, Dusty Rhodes, Bret Hart, Louie Spicolli, Konnan, Dennis Rodman, Miss Elizabeth, Buff Bagwell, Hiroshi Tenzan, Keiji Muto, Mashiro Chono, Hiro Saito, The Disciple, Stevie Ray, Mark Johnson | The Machines (WWF, 1987): Captain Lou Albano, Big Machine, Super Machine, Giant Machine, Animal Machine, Piper Machine, Crusher Machine, Macho Machine, Dragon Machine, Junkyard Machine, Rebel Machine, Honky Tonk Machine | Edge Army (WWE, 2002-2003): Edge, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Tajiri, Shelton Benjamin | Immortal (TNA, 2010): Eric Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett, Abyss, Ric Flair, AJ Styles, Desmond Wolfe, Bobby Roode, James Storm, Kazarian, Douglas Willams, Matt Morgan |
WWEUndisputed Champion World Heavyweight Champion [5] Tag Team Champion Royal Rumble [2] - 1990; 1991 Hall of Fame Inductee | WCWWorld Heavyweight Champion [6] | NWASoutheastern Heavyweight Title /Knoxville Version/ [2] Battle Royal Winner [1979] | AWAWorld Heavyweight Title [2] Battle Royal Winner [1982] 15-Man Battle Royal Winner [1982] | All Japan, New Japan, XWF, Florida, Georgia, WWWF, SWS, CWA, Memphis Wrestling, Mexico, Indy, TNAпоясов нет | TournamentNew Japan IWGP League Winner [1983] New Japan MSG Tag League Winner [2] 1982; 1983 |
Wrestling Observer - Hall of Fame [1996]
PWI - Wrestler of the Year [3] 1987; 1991; 1994
PWI - Inspirational Wrestler of the Year [2] 1999; 1993
PWI - Most Popular Wrestler of the Year [3] 1990; 1989; 1985
PWI - Most Hated Wrestler of the Year [2] 1998; 1996
PWI - Match of the Year [4] 1985 with Mr. T vs Paul Orndorff & Roddy Piper; 1988 vs Andre the Giant; 1990 vs Ultimate Warrior; 2002 vs The Rock
PWI - Comeback of the Year [2] 1994; 2002
PWI - Feud of the Year [1986] vs Paul Orndorff
PWI - №1 of Annual Top 500 List [1991]
PWI - №1 of All Annual Top 500 List [1991-2003]
WWE - Hall of Fame [2005]
NWA: TNA - Memorable Moment of the Year [2003]
PWHF - Hall of Fame [2003]
Wrestling Observer - Best Babyface [9] 1982-1990
Wrestling Observer - Most Charismatic Wrestler [6] 1985; 1986; 1987; 1989; 1990; 1991
Wrestling Observer - Most Overrated Wrestler [7] 1985; 1986; 1994-1998
Wrestling Observer - Feud of the Year [1986] vs Paul Orndorff
Wrestling Observer - Best Box Office Draw [1997]
RSPW - Best Babyface [1990]
RSPW - Most Overrated Wrestler [9] 1990; 1991; 1993; 1994; 1995; 1996; 1997; 1998; 1999
RSPW - Best Wrestling Gimmick [1996] as part of nWo
Bowling - Florida Bowling Double Champion [5] with Vic Pettit
Florida Sports Hall of Fame - Hall of Fame [2007]