Выступал под именами: Ivan Koloff, Red McNulty, "The Russian Bear", Red McNulty, Jim Parris, "Russian Strongman" |
Коронные приемы: Русский Легдроп, Медвежий Захват, Бэкбрекер, Перевернутый Бэкбрекер, Клофслайн, Падение Колена |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Москва, Россия |
Менеджер: "Captain" Lou Albano, Paul Jones, Oliver Humperdink, Gene Anderson |
Снимался в фильмах: |
Paul Jones Army (NWA, 1987-1988): Paul Jones, Vladimir Petrov, Russian Assasin 1, Russian Assasin 2, Rick Rude, Manny Fernandez, The Mighty Wilbur, The Barbarian, The Warlord, Shaska Whatley | The Russians (NWA, 1984-1986): Nikita Koloff, Don Kernodle | Hot Stuff International (UWF, ????): Nikita Koloff, "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert, Rick Steiner | House of Humperdink (NWA, ????): Sir Oliver Humperdink, Abdullah the Butcher, "Bad Bad" Leroy Brown, Gene Anderson, Bruiser Brody, Kareem Muhammad, Jos LeDuc, The Great Muta, Paul Jones |
NWASouthern Heavyweight Title /Florida/ Florida Tag Team Title [5] 6-Man Tag Team Title [4] Mid-Atlantic Television Title [3] Tag Team Title /Georgia Version/ [7] Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title [3] Canadian Heavyweight Title United States Tag Team Title [2] World Tag Team Title /Mid-Atlantic/ [5] Charlotte Legends Title Hall of Fame Inductee | WWWFHeavyweight Champion | USWFHeavyweight Title Tag Team Title | ACWTag Team Title | WWCPuerto Rican Heavyweight Title | MAWAHeavyweight Title | NCWHeavyweight Title Tag Team Title [2] | CWFInternational Heavyweight Title [2] Heavyweight Title | IWAInternational Heavyweight Title [2] Television Title Tag Team Title | GLWAUnited States Heavyweight Title | VWAHeavyweight Title | IWE IWATag Team Title | MontrealInternational Tag Team Title | Monreal (AWA)IWA Heavyweight Title [2] | WWAHeavyweight Title | IWA (Australia)World Heavyweight Title | NWLHall of Pain Inductee | EWAWorld Heavyweight Title | ECW, SMW, WCW, UWF, ACW, RCW, ACPW, NCWA, CWA, CREW, UPWA, SHCWпоясов нет | TournamentNWA United States Tag Team Title Tournament Winner [1986] |
Georgia Wrestling Hall of Fame - Hall of Fame [2005]
NWL - Hall of Pain [2006]
NWA Hall of Heroes - Hall of Fame [2008]