Выступал под именами: Jerry "The King" Lawler, Jerry Lawler, The King, Masked Man №1, "King of Memphis" |
Коронные приемы: Свая, Большой Кулак, Падение Кулака, Падение Кулака со второго каната, Брайнбастер ДДТ, Файербалл, Бэк Боди Дроп, Хип Тосс, Свая с падением на спину |
Коронные фразы: I am The King of Wrestling!; Bra & Panties, BRA & PANTIES!!!; Puppies!!!; What?!; I love raw!!!!......so many puppies!!!!; Don't blow it show it!!!; I like girls that like girls!; J.R., you're so full of it, you've got diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain!; I'm not superstitious, J.R. That would be unlucky; You know what they say JR: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice....uh..you cant get fooled again! |
Откуда: Мемфис, Теннессии |
Менеджер: Sam Bass, "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart |
Снимался в фильмах: Man on the Moon, Life with Mikey |
Team WWF (ECW, 199?): Bill Alfonso, Sabu, Brakkus, Darren Drozdov, Doug Furnas, Lance Wright, Philip LaFon, Rob Van Dam, Stevie Richards | Jerry Lawler's Coalition (Memphis Wrestling, 2007): Brian Lawler, Flex, Tim Grind, Shock, Jimmy Hart | Hart's First Family of Wrestling (CWA, 1977-1982): "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart, King Kong Bundy, "Ravishing" Rick Rude, Lanny Poffo, Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, Ox Baker, Kamala, Randy Savage, "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert |
USWAUSWA Promoter USWA Co-Owner Unified Heavyweight Title [27] Heavyweight Title [2] Tag Team Title [5] | NWASouthern Tag Team Title /Mid-America Version/ [6] Southern Heavyweight Title [12] Southern Junior Heavyweight Title [2] United States Junior Heavyweight Title /Mid-America Verison/ United States Tag Team Title /Mid-America Version/ United States Junior Tag Team Title Mid-America Heavyweight Title Tennessee Tag Team Title All-Star Wrestling Heavyweight Title | AWASouthern Heavyweight Title [28] Southern Tag Team Title [8] World Tag Team Title [2] World Heavyweight Title International Title [2] | CWAHeavyweight Title Mid-America Heavyweight Title [2] Lord of the Ring Tournament Winner | WWEWWE Commentator [2] WWF Commentator "King's Court" Show Hoster Hall of Fame Inductee | SMWHeavyweight Title [2] | WCCWUnified World Heavyweight Title [4] World Heavyweight Title [3] Texas Heavyweight Title | PPWTag Team Title | Tri-StateHeavyweight Title Battle Royal Winner [1971] | PolynesiaPolynesican Pacific Heavyweight Title | MCW (Maryland)Heavyweight Title Tag Team Title | MCW (Memphis)First-ever Southern Heavyweight Title [2] | WWASWWAS Commentator | WCPWBattle Royal Winner [2003] | JAPWHeavyweight Title | NAWA Ring ChampionsSquared Circle Social Club Hall of Fame Inductee | Memphis WrestlingSouthern Heavyweight Title [2] 20-Man Battle Royal Co-Winner [2004] 50000$ Battle Royal Winner [2004] Battle Royal Co-Winner [2007] | XWFXWF Commentator | ECW, OVW, USA Championship, BCW, 3PW, MLW, IWC, LAW, NEW, SOW, Northeast Wrestling, IZW, FTW, FMW, GLW, BTW, IWR, NAWF, UWF, WFX, NSPW, EWF, 2CWпоясов нет | TournamentMCW First-ever Southern Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [2000] CWA Lord of the Ring Tournament Winner [1988] AWA Southern Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1983] NWA Southern Tag Team Title /Mid-America Version/ Tournament Winner [1973] Memphis Wrestling Southern Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [2008] |
Slammy Award Winner [1996] - Biggest Mouth
Slammy Award Winner [1996] - Most Embarrassing Moment
Wrestling Observer - Hall of Fame [1996]
PWI - Feud of the Year [2] 1992 with Jeff Jarrett vs The Moondogs; 1993 vs Bret Hart
PWI - Most Hated Wrestler of the Year [2] 1993; 1995
PWI - Inspirational Wrestler of the Year [1988]
Squared Circle Social Club - Hall Of Fame [200?]
Wrestling Observer - Feud of the Year [3] 1987 vs Austin Idol & Tommy Rich; 1992 with Jeff Jarrett vs The Moondogs; 1993 vs Bret Hart
Wrestling Observer - Worst Television Announcer [2002]
WWE - Hall of Fame [2007]