Выступал под именами: Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Jesse Ventura, Jesse "The Star" Ventura, Jesse "The Mind" Ventura, "Governor Body" |
Коронные приемы: Пыточный Бэкбрекер, Ломание Тела (Тройное Ломание Ребер), Перевернутая Лоза Тела |
Коронные фразы: Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!; And the pleasure of course Monsoon was all yours; When people attack me, I attack back; Wrestling is ballet with violence; Ain't Got Time to Bleed; I'm a great believer in destiny, and if I'm destined to be there, it will happen. If I'm not, it won't; I think, in 2008, we need a pro wrestler in the White House |
Откуда: Миннеаполис, Миннесота |
Менеджер: Bobby Heenan, Freddie Blassie |
Снимался в фильмах: Major League 2, Demolition Man, Running Man, Predator, Batman & Robin, REPOSSED, No Holds Barred, Ricochet, Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe, X-Files (TV), The Ringer, My First Time, 20/20 Vision, Living and Working in Space: The Countdown Has Begun, Renegade, Zorro, Tag Team, Hunter, Thunderground |