Выступал под именами: John McChesney, "Fabulous" John McChesney, Matt McChesney, Fabulous, Genocide, "Erie's Own", Richard Weede |
Коронные приемы: Клиффхангер ДДТ, Миссл Дропкик, Эйс Крашер, ТКО |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Эрий, Пенсильвания |
Менеджер: Tod Gordon |
Снимался в фильмах: |
The War Machine (IWC, 2007-2008): Dennis Gregory, HENTAI, Sebastian Dark, Steven Colter, Daivari, CJ Sensation | Star Foundation (NWA, 2006-2007): Star Rider, Sterling James Keenan, ???? | The Unholy Alliance (IWC, 2007): Brent Albright, Sebastian Dark | Alliance Gregory (IWC, 2007): Dennis Gregory, Brent Albright, Sebastian Dark |
IWCHeavyweight Title Super Indy Title [4] Keystone Cruiserweight Title IWC Super Indy IV Winner | CAPWTag Team Title | NWAUpstate No Limits Title New York Heavyweight Title Indytational Tournament Winner | NVPWPride Title | UoIPWUnion Heavyweight Title Keystone State Cruiserweight Title | PWUHeavyweight Title | FPWHeavyweight Title [3] | PWRTag Team Title Lake Erie Title | ROH, Buffalo, WWE, NEPW, UWC, ICW, MXW, IWA, AIW, FPWпоясов нет | TournamentNWA IndyTational Tournament Winner [2007] IWC Super Indy IV Tournament Winner [2005] UIPW Union Heavyweight Title 8-Man Tournament Winner [2004] |
IWC - Wrestler of the Year [2005]
IWC - Most Memorable Moment [2005]