Dungeon of Doom (WCW, 1996-1997): The Master, Kevin Sullivan, Zodiac, Konnan, The Barbarian, Loch Ness, Meng, The Yeti, Vader, Hugh Morrus, The Leprechaun, Maxx Muscle, Jimmy Hart, Big Bubba Rogers, Kamala, One Man Gang, The Giant | Faces of Fear (WCW, 1995): Brutus Beefcake, Kevin Sullivan, The Barbarian | Hart Foundation (WWF, 1987-1993): Jimmy Hart, Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Honky Tonk Man, Danny Davis, Dino Bravo, Greg Valintine, Brian Kobbs, Jerry Saggs, Ted Debiase, IRS, The Fabulous Rougeaus | Canadian Country (WWF, 1988-1989): Jimmy Hart, Frenchy Martin, Dino Bravo, Jaques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau | The Oddities (WWF, 1998-1999): Kurrgan, Giant Silva, George "The Animal" Steele, Jackyl, Hank, the Angry Drunken Dwarf, Fred, the Elephant Boy, Crackhead Bob, Insane Clown Posse, Luna | The Odd-It-Tees (NWS, 2007): Giant Silva, George "The Animal" Steele |