Выступал под именами: Larry Zbyszko, Whistler, "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko, "The Cruncher", Larry Z, Larry Zbysko, Larry Zybysko, "The New Living Legend", "Wrestling's Living Legend", "Former Voice of NITRO" |
Коронные приемы: Ломание Плеча, 7-Минутное Стойло, Наземный Мечтатель Ларри (Гилльотинное Удушение), Шипастый Брайнбастер, Удар в пах, Пинок Мула, Крутящийся Замок Носка, Бэкбрекер, Хаммерлок, Снап Маре, Свая, Боди Слэм, Маленький Пакет |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Питтсбург, Пенсильвания |
Менеджер: Baby Doll, Paul E. Dangerously, Gary Hart, Eddie Gilbert, So Cal Val |
Снимался в фильмах: |
Dangerous Alliance (WCW, 1992): Paul E. Dangerously, Arn Anderson, Steve Austin, Bobby Eaton, Rick Rude, Madusa | The Old Age Outlaws (WCW, 1999): Terry Funk, Arn Anderson, Paul Orndorff | Larry's Legends (AWA, 1989-1990): Jake Milliman, ???? | Team Vision (Indy, 2006-2007): "Most Important Man Alive" Mister Saint Laurent, Chasyn Rance, So Cal Val |
WWWFWorld Tag Team Champion | WWFBattle Royal Winner [1980] | WCWTag Team Champion Television Champion WCW Commentator | NWANational Heavyweight Title [2] Beat the Champ Television Title Western States Heavyweight Title NWA: TNA Judge NWA Championship Committee Member | AWAWorld Heavyweight Title [3] Battle Royal Winner [1989] America's Heavyweight Title | CSWFCSWF Commissioner | USA Championship WrestlingNorth American Heavyweight Title | AWA FloridaHeavyweight Title | WWWAUnited States Heavyweight Title | SCWTag Team Title | ACPWACPW Commissioner | TCW, IRW, WWW, SCW, RWA, WWAS, Canada, All Japan, ICW, PPW, Powerhouse Wrestling, W1W, TNT Pro Wrestling, CWF, WPW, PWUпоясов нет | TournamentWCW Tag Team Title 8-Team Tournament Winner [1991] NWA National Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1983] |
PWI - Rookie of the Year [1974]
PWI - Most Hated Wrestler of the Year [1980]
PWI - Match of the Year [1980] vs Bruno Sammartino
PWI - Tag Team of the Year [1991] with Arn Anderson
Wrestling Observer - Best Heel [1980]
Wrestling Observer - Feud of the Year [1980] vs Bruno Sammartino
Wrestling Observer - Most Improved Wrestler [1980]