Выступал под именами: Lou Thesz, Tetsujin (Iron Man), Lajos Tiza, "Iron Man", Don Louis Thesz |
Коронные приемы: Бэк Дроп, Греко-Римский Бэкдроп (Суплекс Живот-к-Спине), Двойной Замок Запястья, СТФ (Отступающий Захват Носка и Лица), Пресс Лу Тесза, Оригинальная Мощная Бомба/Гансо Бомба |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Винтер Гарден, Орландо, Флорида |
Менеджер: Ed "Strangler" Lewis |
Снимался в фильмах: |
NWAWorld Heavyweight Title [3] Heavyweight Title [3] Texas Heavyweight Title [3] Southern Heavyweight Title First-ever International Heavyweight Title United States Junior Heavyweight Title Southern Junior Heavyweight Title [2] Southern Tag Team Title /Mid-America Version/ Pacific Coast Tag Team Title /Vancouver Version/ Hall of Fame Inductee | AWABoston World Heavyweight Title [2] Montreal World Heavyweight Title [3] Ohio World Heavyweight Title | ????World Heavyweight Title [2] | WWAHeavyweight Title | MWAHeavyweight Title | UWAWorld Heavyweight Title | TWWA/IWEFirst-ever Heavyweight Title | Mid-Southern WrestlingHeavyweight Title | Montreal Athletic CommissionWorld/International Heavyweight Title /Montreal Version/ [3] | MississippiUnited States Heavyweight Title | Stampede WrestlingHall of Fame Inductee | MissouriHall of Fame Inductee | Cauliflower Alley ClubCAC President | UWFiUWFi Trainer | IWCCWIWCCW Commentator | WCCWWorld Class Commentator | WCWHall of Fame Inductee | WWWF, WWF, NAWA, Capital Sports, New Japan, Europe, JWA, MLW (Maple Leaf), IPWпоясов нет |
Stempede Wrestling - Hall of Fame [????]
PWI - Editor's Award [1982]
RSPW - Hall of Fame [1994]
WCW - Hall of Fame [1993]
NWA - Hall of Fame [2005]
George Tragos/Lou Thesz Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame - Hall of Fame [1999]
Missouri Sports - Hall of Fame [2002]
Puroresu - Hall of Fame [1996]
Wrestling Observer - Hall of Fame [1996]
PWHF - Pioneer Era Hall of Fame [2002]
St. Louis Wrestling Hall of Fame - Hall of Fame [2007]