Выступал под именами: Dan Maff, Mafia, Danny Maff, "The Assasin" Dan Maff, Mafia Mack, "The Hired Assassin" Dan Maff, "Prophecy's Assassin" |
Коронные приемы: Пылающий Молот, Суплекс из Полунельсона, Ныряющий Хедбатт, Топи Кон Хило, Отпускающий Немецкий Бросок, Бросок Живот-к-Животу через Голову, ‚ан-Њафинатор (‚ан-’ерминатор) |
Коронные фразы: We are the Stiffest Playas In Da Game!; Kiss sports entertainment’s ass goodbye! |
Откуда: Ньюарк, Нью-Йорк |
Менеджер: Dylan Dean, Johnny D, Allison Danger |
Снимался в фильмах: |
The Baptized (USA Pro Wrestling, 2003): Christopher Daniels, Balls Mahoney | The Prophecy (ROH, 2004): Christopher Daniels, B.J. Whitmer, Donovan Morgan, Allison Danger | la Familia (JAPW, ????): Monsta Mack, KC Blade, EC Negro | Psycho Circus (wXw, ????): Homicide, Boogalou, Low Ryda, Eddie Guapo, Crazy Ivan, Monsta Mack | The Team X-Treme (wXw, 2001): Samu, Gene Snitsky, Boogalou, Low Ryda, Eddie Guapo, Crazy Ivan, Homicide, Monsta Mack |
JAPWHeavyweight Title [3] Tag Team Title [6] | wXwTag Team Title [2] | ICWHeavyweight Title Tag Team Title | LIWFTag Team Title [2] | USA Pro Wrestling (UXW)Tag Team Title [2] | JCWTag Team Title [2] | ROHTag Team Title [2] #1 Contender Trophy Co-Winner [2004] | NAWATag Team Title United States Tag Team Title | UCWTag Team Title | CZW, PWF, IWA, FIP, NYWC, MLW, PWF, 3PWпоясов нет | TournamentICW Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [2011] |
Declaration of Independents - Tag Team Match of the Year [2004] with BJ Whitmer vs CM Punk & Ace Steel
Declaration of Independents - Mouth of the Year [2004]
Declaration of Independents - Tag Team of the Year [2002] with Monsta Mack
Declaration of Independents - Most Improved Wrestler of the Year [2003]
Declaration of Independents - Comeback of the Year [2008] Tie with B-Boy