Выступал под именами: Matt Striker, Matt Lachey, Matt Rite, "Modern Marvel" Matt Martel, "Hotstuff" Matt Striker, "Macho Man" Matt Striker, Ultimate Striker, Prince Striker, Strikerman, "The Strykerman" Matt Striker, "Hotstuff" Matt Striker, "Party Boy" Matt Striker, Hydro, Striker-bu, Matt Martell, "Your Teacher" Matt Striker |
Коронные приемы: Золотое Правило (Перевернутый Овердрайв), Болевой Довольной Мартышки (Заднее Удушение), ОверДрайв (Модифицированный Качающийся Некбрекер), ЛангБлоуер (Прыгающее Двухколенное Падение с Бэкбрекером), Замок Скайда/СТФ Страйкера (Стоячее СТФ), Катящийся Захват-Крест, Сворачивание Оливера Стоуна (Сворачивание в Армбар Фудживары), Армбар Фудживары, Плечевой Некбрекер в ДДТ, Чистка Лица, Лифт Колена |
Коронные фразы: Hello, my students!; This is Matt Striker, and I'm your teacher!; This... is... STRIKER!; I am Matt Striker and I am your teacher!; Hello my students, it is I, Matt Striker, your teacher!l It's not how hard you work, it's how smart you work!; School is cool!; ...And if you don't know what those words mean, LOOK THEM UP.; The lesson here is simple... just like you.; I'm Matt Striker and I am a New York City schoolteacher.; Well that's where I come in!; Many of you people are smoking the pot!; If you pay attention you can be educated, you can be enlightened, and even you can be smart. Just like me - Matt Striker.; Now I know that the girls in my class think I'm good looking... aw aw aw ... You see I'm a born again virgin!; I am so darn sexy!; I love you!; Come on!; I really loved the music my parents played. The music these days are just not right for all of you people out there!; Thank you, you're too kind!; Just remember this, I am smarter than you!; Can I help you young man?!; Don't ever correct me again!; Any one? Any one?; Lets read books! |
Откуда: Классная Комната, Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк |
Менеджер: Tony Lo, Becky Bayless, Bobcat |
Снимался в фильмах: The Child Saver, Wise Guys |
The Young Bludz (CSWF, 2004): Romeo Valentino, Rob Eckos, Nick Berk | Knight Life (3PW, ????): Boogie Knights, Kruel, Bobcat | Knight Life: Episode II (3PW, 2003): Mike Tobin, Kruel, Simon Diamond, Billy Reil, Luscious, Becky Bayless, Tony Lo, Bobcat | Royal Decision (ECWA, 2004): Prince Nana, Mega, Ace Darling, Tyler Payne, ES Easton | Devastation Inc. (JAPW, 2002-2003): Boogalu, Skinhead Ivan, The Sheik, Oracle | Youngbludz (NWA, 2005): Mike Kruel, Jose Maximo, Joel Maximo | Los Lunatics (Wrestling (UXW), 2000): Boogalou, Eddie Guapo, Low Ryda | White is Right (WWE, 2005): Kervin White, Nick Nemeth | The New Breed (ECW, 2007): Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn, Ariel, CM Punk | Colossal Coalition (WWE, 2007): Big Daddy V, Mark Henry |
USA Pro Wrestling (UXW)New York State Heavyweight Title Tag Team Title [2] Triad Title | ECWATag Team Title | WUWContinental Title | PWFUniversal Tag Team Title | ACWTag Team Title | CCWHeavyweight Title | PTWTag Team Title | NYWCHeavyweight Title Interstate Title Tag Team Title | JCWTag Team Title | NAWFHeavyweight Title | DSWDSW Commentator | WWE"Matt Striker's Classroom" Show Hoster ECW Manager SmackDown! Commentator | ECWECW Commentator | MLW, 3PW, PWWF1, CSWF, OTW, PWE, NMW, Zero-One, EWF-UK, CW, JAPW, WXW, ROH, wXw, Pro Wrestling Elite, NMW, SSCW, IHPW, Buffalo, IWWпоясов нет | TournamentCCW Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [2004] PWF Universal Tag Team Title Tournament Winner [2003] NYWC Title Shot Tournament Winner [2005] |
Hockey - National County Hockey Championship [6]
Declaration of Independents - Faction of the Year [2003] with Mike Tobin; Danny Drake; Becky Bayless; Billy Reil & Simon Diamond
Slammy Award Winner - Best WWE Announce Team of the Year [2008] with Todd Grisham