Выступал под именами: The Necro Butcher, Dylan Summers, "Hardcore Superstar", "The Baddest Man on the Planet", "The Human Car Crash", CP Munk, "Hollywood" Dylan Summers |
Коронные приемы: Болевой Азиатский Кол (Удушение Большим Пальцем), Сентон Сплэш, Жесткий Хедбатт, Мощная Бомба, Драйвер Тигра (Мощная Бомба из Двуручного Крюка в Присед с удержанием), ДВД, Планча, Бой в Баре (Обмен ударами, сидя на стуле), Боди Слэм с помощью стула, Клофслайн, Летящий-Пылающий Легдроп с вершины стойки, Жесткие Удары, Топтание, Коготь, Парад Жестокости Западной Вирджинии (Комбо из Ударов и Топтания в углу ринга), Бэкбрекер на открытый стул, Экро-Канрана (Франкенштайнер), Удушающая Бомба, Качающийся Некбрекер, Насосный Бросок, Серия Жестких Хедбаттов, Отпускающая Бомба, Ныряющее Кроссбоди |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Моргантаун, Западная Вирджиния |
Менеджер: The Rave Baby, Chris "The Fly" Monroe, Dino Winwood, Nicky Benz, Rain, Lacey, Allison Wonderland |
Снимался в фильмах: The Wrestler |
The Age of the Fall (ROH, 2007-2008): Jimmy Jacobs, Taylor Black, Lacey, Joey Matthews, Allison Wonderland, Zach Gowen, Rain | Cult Fiction (Indy, 200?): HalfBreed Billy Gram, Toby Klein, Brain Damage, Deranged, Ox Baker, Eradication, Cowboy From Hell | The Age of the Fall (FIP, 2007-2008): Jimmy Jacobs, Taylor Black, Lacey, Rain | The Hillbilly Wrecking Crew (JAPW, 2009-2010): Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe, Brodie Lee, Trevor Murdoch, Nick Gage |
| Tough Crazy Bastards (IWF/CZW): "Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein | Hardcore Icons (DSW): "The Real" Josh Booty | Team CZW/Hero Squad (ROH/CZW): Super Dragon, Chris Hero | Team Combat Zone Wrestling (IWR/CHIKARA/PWF): Chris Hero, "Spyder" Nate Webb, Claudio Castagnoli, Eddie Kingston | Legends of Violence (NWA): Hardcore Craig | Team America (Strangehold Wrestling): Mr. Insanity, Deranged, Killer Karl Kanarek | The Age of the Fall (ROH): Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black | White Trash (JCW): Mad Man Pondo | Team CZW (CZW): Toby Klein, Drake Younger, Danny Havoc | Team WWE (Chikara Pro): Colt Ca-Bunny | Two Hollywood Bastards (CZW): Toby Klein | The Death Match Kings (Chikara Pro): Toby Klein, Brain Damage | The Hillbilly Wrecking Crew/HWC (Chikara/JAPW): Brodie Lee | The Hillbilly Wrecking Crew (JAPW): Nick Gage | - (TWA): Jay Diego | - (TWA): Tomcat | - (TWA/MSPW/LCW): Mister Mayhem | - (CTPW): Hellhammer | - (IWR/CHIKARA/PWF/JCW): Mad Man Pondo |
FWABrass Knuckles Title | IWA Mid-SouthKing of Death Match Tournament Winner Death Match Title Battle Royal Winner [2002] | NWATexas Hardcore Title [4] Southwest Hardcore Title | CTPWTag Team Title | TASWBrass Knuckles Title [2] Heavyweight Title | TCWHardcore Title [2] | BBWHardcore Title [2] | XICWHeavyweight Title Xtreme Title Malcolm Monroe Memorial Tournament Winner | IHWHardcore Title | GLWHardcore Title | CCWTriple X Title | CZWUltraViolent Underground Title Tag Team Title Gauntlet Match Winner [2003] Tournament of Death IV Winner | wXwHardcore Title | CWAHardcore Title | IWA Deep SouthCarnage Cup Winner [2006] | PWSPWS Commissioner | JCW (Juggalo)Tag Team Title [2] | JAPWTag Team Title [2] | IWA East CoastHeavyweight Title | IWF, PPWF, MSPW, TWA, TOPs, MAW (Mid-America), CXW (Constant Xcitment), IWR, ICW, CPW, JCW, LXW, BCW, MWC, NAWF, CEW, BJPW, MRW, HCW, IWR, XCW, Chikara Pro, WMF, PWL, TOW, MAW (Mexican), LCW (Lonestar), PWN (Nightmare), ROH, PWG, IPW, Strangehold Wrestling, FIP, ACW, XPW, IGF, Dragon Gate, IWA (Puerto Rico), IWCпоясов нет | TournamentIWA Mid-South King of Death Match 2002 Tournament Winner [2002] IWF Heavyweight Title №1 Contender Tournament Winner [2004] CZW Tournament of Death IV Winner [2005] PWF Sweet Salt Shock Unbelievable Tag Team Tournament Winner [2005] IWA Deep South Carnage Cup Tournament Winner [2006] XICW Malcolm Monroe Memorial Tournament Winner [2009] |
IWA Mid-South - Match of the Year [2004] vs Toby Klein
IWA Mid-South - Best Hardcore Wrestler [2004]
IWA Mid-South - Most Devastating Moment of the Year [2004]
IPW - Match of the Year [2003] vs Brandon Prophet vs Corporal Robinson
Declaration of Independents - Most Popular Wrestler of the Year [2006]
Declaration of Independents - Hardcore Wrestler of the Year [2] 2006; 2008
Declaration of Independents - Match of the Year [2006] with Chris Hero; Eddie Kingston; "Spyder" Nate Webb & Claudio Castagnoli vs ROH
CZW - Deathmatch of the Year [2007] vs Zanding
CZW - Tag Team of the Year [2007] with Toby Klein
JCW - Tag Team of the Year [2007] with Mad Man Pondo