Выступал под именами: Raven, Scotty Flamingo, Johnny Polo, Scotty the Body, Scotty Anthony, "The Redeemer" |
Коронные приемы: Потоковое ДДТ/Эффект Ворона (Жесткое ДДТ), Дроп Той Холд на стул, Суперкик, Бульдог, Захват Лодыжки, Боковая Русская Закрутка, Крутящийся Клофслайн с Падением, Боковая Русская Закрутка на Ограждение, Комбо Клофслайн/Бульдог в углу, Слипер, Кобра Глотч, Армбрекер-Крест, Захват-Крест Крыльев Цыпленка, Лифт Коленом, Бегущая Атака Коленом, Свая, Ныряющий Бульдог в Падение Колена, Падение Кулака в пах, Планча, Проникающий Удар Ноги |
Коронные фразы: Welcome to the Terroredome! Quoth the Raven, Nevermore!; What about me? What about Raven?; I'm a Human Cancer; So it is written, so it shall come to pass... I think you hear me knocking, I think I'm coming in!; Welcome to Raven's Clockwork Orange House of Fun!; Being crazy was the only thing that kept me from going insane!; Quote the Raven...; The world is full of kings and queens, who will blind your eyes and steal your dreams; May god have mercy on your soul, quote the Raven... nevermore!; I used to be lost in the shuffle, but now I'm just shuffled around with the lost; I don't care about wins and losses, never have and never will...; Feel my pain! |
Откуда: Опоясанный Зеленью |
Менеджер: Diamond Dallas Page, Beulah McGillicutty, Kimona Wana-Laya, Chastity, Francine, Tori, Terri Runnels, Lucy, Alexis Laree, Lori Fullington, James Mitchell, Veronica Lane, Missy Hyatt, Jonathan Boy, Nanny Simpson, Max Andrews, Simply Luscious, Ginger, Angel Williams, Mike Samples, Reggie Bennett, Stevie Richards, The Blue Meanie, The Musketeer, Lupus, The Isis |
Снимался в фильмах: Jess Ventura: The Story, Sleeper, Death Racers |
The Flock (WCW, 1997-1998): Horace Hogan, Saturn, Billy Kidman, Reese, Van Hammer, Sick Boy, Scotty Riggs, Stevie Richards | The Dead Pool (WCW, 1999): Vampiro, Insane Clown Posse | The Qubeccers (WWF, 1993-1994): Jacques Rougeau, Pierre Oulette, Adam Bomb | The Gathering (NWA, 2003): CM Punk, Julio Dinero, Alexis Laree | Raven's Nest (ECW, 1996): Little Snot Dudley, Schmuck Dudley, Donald Bruise, Ronald Bruise, Buh Buh Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Vampire Warrior, Stevie Richards, Pitbull #1, Pitbull #2, Blue Meanie, Super Nova, Chastity | The Court (ECW, 1999-2000): Judge Jeff Jones, Sid Vicious, Mike Awesome | The Cartel (GWF, 1991-????): The Boss, Cactus Jack, Rip Rogers, Makhan Singh, Hustler Rip Rogers | Sport Entertainment Extreme (S. E. X.) (NWA, 2002-2003): Vince Russo, Ron Harris, Don Harris, Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper, Glen Gilberti, David Young, Sonny Siaki, Low-Ki, Mike Sanders, Chris Sabin, BG James, Desire, Ashley Hudson, David Flair, Disgraceland, Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, AJ Styles, The Hotshots, Brian Lawler, Erik Watts, Holly Wood | The Serotonin (NWA, 2006): Frankie Kazerian, Johnny Devine, Matt Bently | Team JCW (PWU, 2007): Too Tuff Tony, Violent J, Nosawa, Shaggy 2 Dope, Mad Man Pondo, Dyson Pryce | ???? (TNA, 2009-2010): Daffney, Mick Foley, Dr. Steve | EV 2.0 (Extreme, Version 2.0) (TNA, 2010): Al Snow, Bill Alfonso, Brian Kendrick, Brother Devon, Brother Ray, Guido Maritato, Jerry Lynn, Mick Foley, Pat Kenney, Raven, Rhino, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, The Sandman, Stevie Richards, Tommy Dreamer, Tony Luke |
WWEHardcore Champion [6] (26) WWF Manager WWF Commentator | WCWUnited States Heavyweight Champion Tag Team Champion Light Heavyweight Champion | ECWWorld Heavyweight Champion [2] World Tag Team Champion [4] | NWAWorld Heavyweight Title Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Title [3] Pacific Northwest Television Title Pacific Northwest Tag Team Title [2] Central States Heavyweight Title | HWATag Team Title | MEWFMid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Heavyweight Title | PSWCordele City Heavyweight Title | USWATag Team Title | USA Pro Wrestling (UXW)Heavyweight Title [6] | 3PWHeavyweight Title 3PW Comissioner | NWFHeavyweight Title | EWFHeavyweight Title | GCW (Great)Heavyweight Title | AWFHeavyweight Title | CWA ProHeavyweight Title | USWOHeavyweight Title | FMW, XPW, ECW (Elite), SWF, PWF, TWC, IWW, MLW, ROH, JAPW, Florida, Vancouver, BCW, Mid-Southern Wrestling, GWF, FWA, WHW, MCW, PWU, WSU, SCW, MAW, GCW (Global), TNT Pro Wrestling, MEW, 1PW, APW, HH, PWE, W1W, NYWC, MACW, UWA, Portland Wrestling, CAPW, BPW (BIG), IWF Russia, EWP, LLW, UWF, BAW, JCW, MMW, Wrestle Inc; IWC, APW (Associacao Portugesa de Wrestling), NWE, XWF, NWS, EWW, TNAпоясов нет | TournamentNWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1989] |
Declaration of Independents - Most Popular Wrestler of the Year [2003]
NWA - Match of the Year [2003] vs AJ Styles vs Jeff Jarrett