Имя в рестлинге: "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair |
Русское: "Дитя Природы" Рик Флер |
Реальное имя: Ричард Морган Флёр (Richard Morgan Fliehr) |
Вес: 110.2 килограмм (243 lbs) |
Дебют в рестлинге: 10 декабря 1972 Конец карьеры: 31 марта 2008 |
Рост: 1.85 метров (6.1'' ) |
Дни рождения: 25 февраля 1949 (76) |
Место проживания: Эдина, Миннесота |
Подготовка: Verne Gagne, Billy Robinson |
Pодственники: Dick Fliehr (отец), Kay Fliehr (мать), Elizabeth Fliehr (экс-жена), Tiffany VanDemark (экс-жена), Reid Flair, David Flair (сыновья), Ashley, Megan Fliehr-Ketzner (дочери), Morgan Lee Ketzner (внучка) |
Выступал под именами: "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, "The Man", "Silck Ric", "Ramblin" Ricky Rhodes, Black Scorpion, "ol' Naitch", "The Dirtiest Player In The Game", "The Real World Champion", "The Greatest Wrestler Of All Time", "The 16 Time World Heavyweight Champion", "The Sixty-Minute Man", "Wheelin'Dealing, Kiss stealin', Jet Flying, Limousine Ridin'", "Son of a Gun", "Space Mountain" |
Коронные приемы: Захват Четверка, Ломание Колена, Удар в Пах, Боди Слэм, Бегущее Падение Колена, Чопы, Кувырок Флера, Флоп Флера, Задний Суплекс, Флоп Флера, Чоп Блок, Падение Локтя, Удар по Глазам, Выпрямленный Суплекс, Падение Колена, Блок Плеча, Кроссбоди со стойки ринга, Чоп обратной стороной ладони, Падение Локтя на колено, Перевернутое Атомное Падение, Ломание Голени, Поддерживающий Суплекс Бабочки, Пинок в Пах, Коготь Тестикулов, Внутренняя Колыбель |
Коронные фразы: WHOOOOOO!; I'm a limousine-riding, jet-flying, kiss-stealing, WOO, wheeling, dealing, son of a gun who's kissed all the girls and made them cry; To be The Man, you gonna beat The Man!; Diamonds are forever, and so is Ric Flair!; Hey baby! Do you want to ride Space Mountain?; Whether you like it, or you don't like it, learn to love it, because it's the best thing going today; Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it still has the longest line!; Step back and see what's causin' all this!; The ladies are always in line to ride Space Mountain all night long!; Because I'm Ric Flair - and you're not!; This is Flair country!; Three words: all night long!; I'm every woman's dream and every man's nightmare; We drink a little harder, stay a little longer, party 'til dawn, and keep going strong.; Space Mountain may be the oldest ride, but it's still got the longest line, Wooo!; I will NEVER retire!; You gonna walk the walk, you gonna talk the talk! |
Откуда: Шарлотт, Северная Каролина |
Менеджер: Mr. Perfect, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Dark Journey, Hiro Matsuda, Arn Anderson, James J. Dillon, Woman, Ole Anderson, Miss Elizabeth, Madusa, Baby Doll |
Снимался в фильмах: Body Slam, The Wrestler, Sting: Moment of Truth |
Alliance to End Hulkamania (WCW, 1996): Lex Luger, Arn Anderson, Meng, Z-Gangsta, Kevin Sullivan, Ultimate Solution, Barbarian, Jimmy Hart | The Millionaire Club (WCW, 2000): Hulk Hogan, Terry Funk, Scott Steiner, Diamond Dallas Page, Horace Hogan, Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, Elizabeth | Team Package (WCW, 2000): Lex Luger, Miss Elizabeth | Hail to the Chief (WCW, 1999): Arn Anderson, David Flair, Roddy Piper, Diamond Dallas Page, Bam Bam Bigelow, Chris Kanyon, Charles Robinson, Aysa | The Four Horsemen (NWA, 1986): Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Ole Anderson | The Four Horsemen (NWA, 1987): Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger, James J. Dillon | The Four Horsemen (NWA, 1988): Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Barry Windham | The Four Horsemen (NWA, 1989): Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson, Sting | The Four Horsemen (NWA, 1990): Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson, Sid Vicious | The Four Horsemen (WCW, 1993): Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson, Paul Roma | The Four Horsemen (WCW, 1995): Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman, Chris Benoit | The Four Horsemen (WCW, 1996): Arn Anderson, Steve McMichael, Jeff Jarrett, Debra | The Four Horsemen (WCW, 1997): Arn Anderson, Steve McMichael, Chris Benoit, Curt Hennig | The Four Horsemen (WCW, 1998): Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Steve McMichael | The Four Horsemen (WCW, 1999): Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko | The Real World Champions (WWF, 1991-1993): Bobby Hennan, Paul Bearer, The Undertaker, Razor Ramon, Curt Hennig | The Yamazaki Corporation (NWA, 1989): Hiro Matsuda, Butch Reed, Michael Hayes, Barry Windham, Kendall Windham | WCW Elite (Magnificent Seven) (WCW, 2000-2001): The Road Warrior Animal, "Fabian" Buff Bagwell, "Simply Irresistible" Jeff Jarrett, "The Dogfaced Gremlin" Rick Steiner, "White Thunder" Scott Steiner, Lex Luger | Evolution (WWE, 2002-2003): Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista | Fortune (Fourtune) (TNA, 2010): AJ Styles, Desmond Wolfe, James Storm, Robert Roode, Douglas Willams, Kazarian, Chelsea, Matt Morgan |
NWAWorld Heavyweight Title [10] Missiouri Heavyweight Title United States Heavyweight Title /Toronto Version/ [4] United States Heavyweight Title /Mid-Atlantic Version/ [5] Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Title [3] Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title [4] Mid-Atlantic Television Title [2] Tag Team Title /Mid-Atlantic Version/ [3] "Grand Slam" Title Winner Hall of Fame Inductee | WWEHeavyweight Champion [2] World Tag Team Champion [3] Intercontinental Champion Royal Rumble Winner [1992] WWF Co-Owner [2001] WWF RAW Owner [2001-2002] Tag Team Turmoil Winner [2003] "Triple Crown" Champion Hall of Fame Inducted | WCWFirst-ever World Heavyweight Champion [8] International World Heavyweight Champion [2] United States Heavyweight Champion WCW President "A Flair For the Gold" Show Hoster WCW CEO Battle Royal Winner [2000] | AWA, OVW, Japan, ECW, Mexico, ROH, TNA, Indyпоясов нет |
PWI - Wrestler of the Year [6] - 1981; 1984; 1985; 1986; 1989; 1992
PWI - Match of the Year [5] - 1983; 1984; 1986; 1989; 2008 vs Shawn Michaels
PWI - Feud of the Year [4] - 1987; 1988; 1989; 1990
PWI - Most Hated Wrestler of the Year [2] - 1978; 1987
PWI - Rookie of the Year [1975]
PWI - Wrestler of the Decade [1980-1989]
PW - Torch MVP [5] - 1988-1992
RSPW - Best Wrestler [2] - 1991; 1992
RSPW - Best Worker [1990] (tie with Randy Savage)
RSPW - Most Favorite Wrestler [4] 1991; 1992; 1993; 1994
RSPW - Best Feud [1992] vs Randy Savage
RSPW - Worst Match [2] 1990 vs Junkyard Dog; 1996 with Alliance to End Hulkamania vs Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage
RSPW - Best Interviewee [5] 1990; 1991; 1992; 1993; 1994
RSPW - Best Angle [3] 1990 with Horsemens; 1991 vs Hulk Hogan; 1992 with Elizabeth
Wisconsin Private School - Wrestling Champion [2] 1967; 1968
Wrestling Observer - Hall of Fame [1996]
Wrestling Observer - Most Charismatic Wrestler [5] 1980; 1982 (tied with Dusty Rhodes); 1983; 1984; 1993
Wrestling Observer - Wrestler of the Year [7] 1982; 1983; 1985; 1986; 1989; 1990; 1992
Wrestling Observer - Match of the Year [4] 1983 vs Harley Race; 1986 vs Barry Windham; 1988 vs Sting; 1989 vs Ricky Steamboat
Wrestling Observer - Worst Wrestler of the Year [1984]
Wrestling Observer - Most Outstanding Wrestler [3] 1986; 1987; 1989
Wrestling Observer - Feud of the Year [1989] vs Terry Funk
Wrestling Observer - Best Heel [1990]
Wrestling Observer - Best Interviews [3] 1991; 1992; 1994
Wrestling Informer - Hall of Fame [2002]
PWHF - Hall of Fame [2006]
Georgia Wrestling Hall of Fame - Hall of Fame [2006]
WWE - Hall of Fame [2008]
NWA Hall of Heroes - Hall of Fame [2008]
St. Louis Wrestling Hall of Fame - Hall of Fame [2007]
Slammy Award Winner - Match of the Year [2008] vs Shawn Michaels