Выступал под именами: B. G. James, "Road Dogg" Jesse James, Jesse James Armstrong, The Roadie, Brian Armstrong, The "Real" Double J, The Bullet, "B. Jizzle", The Trailer Park Gangsta, The Dark Secret, Jesse J. Armstrong, "B'Lo Brown" |
Коронные приемы: Крученый-Верченый Удар, Насосный Бросок, Падение Колена в Собачьем Стиле, Растяжка Армстронга, Низзи Легдроп (с Роном Киллингсом), Комбо Медвежий Захват/Поднимаемый Пинок Теленка (с Роном Киллингсом), Биг Бут, Шипастая Свая (с Билли Ганном), Двойной Обратный Удар Локтя (с Бобом Армстронгом), Двойная Закрутка Рук в Двойной Чоп (с Бобом Армстронгом) |
Коронные фразы: Oh you didn't know? Your ass better call somebody!; Get It, Got It, Good!; It's me, it's me, it's that D-O-Double G!; Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, the D-Generation X proudly presents to you: the Road Dogg Jesse James, The Bad Ass Billy Gunn, The New Age Outlaws!; Detroit Rock City, Welcome to the Dogg House!; Welcome to Salt & Pepper's Six-Sided Sandbox!; Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, the NWA: TNA proudly presents to you: Sooon to be Tag Team Champions of the Woooorld, not one, not two, but a Three Live Kru! |
Откуда: Мариетта, Джорджия |
Менеджер: Tori, Brandon Baxter, Konnan, Roxxi Laveaux |
Снимался в фильмах: |
The McMahon-Helmsley Faction (WWF, 2000): Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, X-Pac, Tori, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, Billy Gunn, Triple H, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Test, Albert, Trish Stratus, Bull Buchanan | DeGeneration X (WWF, 1997-1998): X-Pac, Billy Gunn, Rick Rude, Jim Neidhart, Mike Tyson, Shawn Michaels, Chyna, Hunter Hearst Helmsley | 3 Live Kru (NWA, 2004-2005): Ron Killings, Konnan | Armstrong's Army (SMW, 1993): Steve Armstrong, Scott Armstrong, Rock & Roll Express | Sport Entertainment Extreme (S. E. X.) (NWA, 2002-2003): Vince Russo, Ron Harris, Don Harris, Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper, Sonny Siaki, Glen Gilberti, David Young, Low-Ki, Mike Sanders, Chris Sabin, Desire, Ashley Hudson, David Flair, Raven, Disgraceland, Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, AJ Styles, The Hotshots, Brian Lawler, Erik Watts, Holly Wood | Four Live Kru (NWA, 2005): Kip James, Ron Killings, Konnan | Voodoo Kin Mafia (TNA, 2006-2007): Kip James, Roxxi Laveaux, Lance Hoyt |
WWEHardcore Champion Intercontinental Champion Tag Team Champion [5] WWF Manager | USWAHeavyweight Title Tag Team Title [2] First-ever Television Title [2] Battle Royal Winner [1996] | WWASFirst-ever World Heavyweight Title | NWAWorld Tag Team Title [2] Alabama Heavyweight Title [2] | CWATag Team Title | UCWHeavyweight Title | CWFHeavyweight Title | AWFHeavyweight Title | MCWTag Team Title | TNATNA Interviewer TNA Road Agent | ACWTag Team Title | SMW, CCW, JCW, LAW, TMW, USA Pro Wrestling (UXW), APW, UWF, AWF, FTW, GLCW, APW (Associacao Portugesa de Wrestling), JAPW, CWEпоясов нет |
RSPW - Best Tag Team [1998] with Billy Gunn
PW Torch - MV Team [1998] with Billy Gunn
PWI - Tag Team of the Year [1998] with Billy Gunn