Выступал под именами: Sgt. Slaughter, Sergeant Slaughter, Bob Slaughter, "Sarge", Super Destroyer Mark II, Matt Burns, Bob Remus, Commissioner Slaughter |
Коронные приемы: Кобра Глотч, Свая, Пушка Потрошителя (Клофслайн с вершины стойки), Бомба Резни |
Коронные фразы: ... and that's an order!; At ease...; The price of freedom is eternal vigilance; MAGGOTS! |
Откуда: Пэррис Айленд, Южная Каролина |
Менеджер: Lord Alfred Hayes, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, General Adnan, Oliver Humperdink, The Grand Wizard |
Снимался в фильмах: G. I. Joe the Movie |
The Corporation (WWF, 1998-1999): Shane McMahon, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, The Big Boss Man, Chyna, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Mankind, Shawn Michaels, Kane, Paul Wight, Ken Shamrock, Rocky Maivia, Test, Vince McMahon | The Triangle Of Terror (WWF, 1991): Gen. Adnan, Col. Mustapha | Slaughter's Snipers (AWA, 1989-1990): Wendi Richter, ???? | The Stoogies (WWF, 1998-2000): Vince McMahon, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco | Cobra Corps (NWA, 1982): Pvt. Jim Nelson, Pvt. Don Kernodle | Team Slaughter (UWF, 2007): Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner, Kirby Mack, TJ Mack, Dustin Rhodes |
| Super Destroyers (AWA): Super Destroyer Mark II | The Triangle of Terror (WWF): Colonel Mustafa, General Adnan | Mercenaries (WWF): Boris Zhukov, Orient Express | Team Legends (WWE): "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, Ron Simmons | Team Slaughter (UWF): Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner, Kirby Mack, TJ Mack, Dustin Rhodes | Team USA (ECPW): Rocky Jones, Kevin Apollo | - (NWA): Don Kernodle | - (NWA): Pvt. Don Kernodle, Pvt. Jim Nelson | - (NWA): Buck Robley | - (WWF): "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan | - (WWF): Private Terry Daniels, Junkyard Dog |
WWEHeavyweight Champion WWF Commissioner Hall of Fame Inductee 18-Man Battle Royal Winner [1984] | NWAFirst-ever United States Heavyweight Title /Toronto Version/ [2] Tag Team Title /Mid-Atlantic Version/ Canadian Heavyweight Title Central States Heavyweight Title [3] United States Tag Team Title /Tri-State Version/ | AWAAmerican Heavyweight Title Tag Team Battle Royal Winner [1985] | USA Pro Wrestling (UXW)Heavyweight Title | NWFAmerican Heavyweight Title | WWWF, Northeast Wrestling, IWC, Buffalo, UWF, ECPWпоясов нет | TournamentFirst-ever United States Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1981] NWA Tag Team Title /Mid-Atlantic Version/ Tournament Winner [1982] |
PWI - Most Hated Wrestler of the Year [1991]
PWI - Inspirational Wrestler of the Year [1984]
PWI - Match of the Year 1981 vs Pat Patterson
WWE - Hall of Fame [2004]
Wrestling Observer - Match of the Year [1981] vs Pat Patterson