Выступал под именами: Stan Hansen, Stan "The Lariat" Hansen, "The Lariat", "Fuchinkan" (Unsinkable Battleship, in Japan), "The Bad Man From Borger", "The Man", "The Unstoppable Dump Truck" |
Коронные приемы: А-Футбольный Толчок, Западный Лариат (Лариат), Падения Локтя Хансена (Падение Локтя), Боди Слэм, Бэкбрекер Долины Бразос (Бостонский Краб), Коленом в Лицо |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Нокс Сити, Техас |
Менеджер: Freddie Blassie, Buck Robley, Larry Sharpe |
Снимался в фильмах: No Holds Barred |
NWANorth American Heavyweight Title /Tri-State Version/ United States Tag Team Title /Tri-State Version/ United National Heavyweight Title Heavyweigh Title /Georgia Version/ Television Title /Memphis Version/ International Tag Team Title Tag Team Title /Georgia Version/ [3] Tag Team Title /Mid-Atlantic Version/ Texas Tag Team Title International Heavyweight Title Columbus Heavyweight Title | All JapanTriple Crown Heavyweight Title [4] World Tag Team Title [8] | WCWUnited States Heavyweight Champion | WWWFBattle Royal Winner [1976] | AWAWorld Heavyweight Title International Heavyweight Title | PWFPWF Chairman PWF President World Tag Team Title [3] | NWFHeavyweight Title | GCW, WCCW, New Japan, ECW, IGFпоясов нет | TournamentAJPW Carnival Championship Winner [2] - 1992; 1993 AJPW Real World Tag League [4] - 1983; 1985; 1988; 1989 NWA World Tag Team Title Tournament Winner [1982] NWA Tag Team Title /Mid-Atlantic Version/ Eastern Division Tournament Winner [1982] |
Wrestling Observer - Hall of Fame [1996]
Wrestling Observer - Tag Team of the Year [1982] with Ole Anderson
Wrestling Observer - Best Brawler [2] 1985; 1990
WPW - Best Mens Tag Match [1994]
PWI - Most Hated Wrestler of the Year [1976]
PWI - Match of the Year [1976] vs Bruno Sammartino
Japan - Tokyo Sports Tag Team of the Year [1998] with Vader
RSPW - Best Brawler [4] 1991; 1994 (non-North American); 1995 (non-North American); 1997 (non-North American)
Puroreso Hall of Fame - Hall of Fame [1997]
Japan - Tokyo Sports Match of the Year [1992] vs Toshiaki Kawada