Выступал под именами: Steve Corino, "Old School" Steve Corino, Steve "The Ultimate Heel" Corino, Monster C, "The King of the Old School", Invader #5, Lightning Kid II, The Lightning Kid, Tom Cosati, "International Superstar" Steve Corino, "The Xtreme Horseman", "The F**king GOD Of Pro Wrestling", Monster C, "The Trouble King", "The Best Independent Wrestler In The World", "The King of Kings", "The Man With Many Earned Nicknames", Mr Wrestling III, Mr Wrestling 3, The 4-5-6 Kid, "The King of Olsberg", "Not Mike Toreno, Steve Corino", "The Old School Hero", "Mr. Wrestling 3" Steve Corino |
Коронные приемы: Хип-тосс Мощная Бомба, Взрыв Старой Школы (Перевернутый Замок Головы в Бросок Некбрекера), Бомба Старой Школы (Скуп Брайнбастер), Пинок Старой Школы (Суперкик), Суплекс Старой Школы, Кобра Глотч Слипер, КолбиКейз ДДТ (Вертолетное Кружение в Гробовую Плиту), Суплекс Северного Сияния через мост, Супер Суплекс Северного Сияния через мост (Суплекс Северного Сияния со стойки ринга), Жесткий Суплекс через мост, Лариат, Плекс Старой Школы/ПобедныйПлекс (Суплекс Рыбака), СТО, Ноша Пожарника в Скуп Слэм Сваю, Драйвер Корино (Обратный Бросок на мат в Присед), Когти Кидо, Айленд Плекс (Немецкий Бросок в стиле Готча, как Мистер Рестлинг III), Хип Тосс в Присед, ДДТ, Брайнбастер, Некбрекер, Ныряющий Легдроп, Двойной Суперкик (с Си ДаблЮ Андерсоном) |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Си Айл Сити, Нью-Джерси |
Менеджер: Jack Victory, James J. Dillon, Dawn Marie, Dutch Mantel, Isis, Rob Dimension, Simply Luscious, Alexis Laree |
Снимался в фильмах: |
The Network (ECW, 2000): Cyrus, Rhino, Jack Victory, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Scotty Anton, Lou E. Dangerously, Jerry Lynn | The Extreme Horsemens (MLW, 2002-2003): C. W. Anderson, Simond Diamond, Justin Credible, Barry Windham | The Old School Heroes (????, ????): ???? | The Group (ROH, 2002): CW Anderson, Michael Shane, Samoa Joe, Simply Luscious | The Backseat Men (PWU, 2005): Trent Acid, Johnny Kashmere | P-Force Men (Zero-One MAX, 2006): Y2P-160kg, NP5, KTP-101.5kg | Old School X (1PW, 2006): Tracy Smothers, Chris Hamrick | Takada Monster Army (Hustle, 2005-2006): Monster T, Monster J | Old School Milita (PWW1, 2006): Jack Victory, Rob Dimension | ???? (PWW1, 2006): Amazing N8 Mattson, Ricky Landell | Team JBL (UWF, 2007): Homicide, Hernandez, CW Anderson, JBL, "Primetime" Elix Skipper | La Familia (WWC, 2008): Tommy Diablo, Aquiles, Rey Gonzales, Huracan Castillo |
| Team Elite (IWF): Simon Diamond | The New Impact Players (ECW): Justin Credible | Old School (ECW): Jack Victory | The Network (ECW): Rhyno | The Network (ECW): Scotty Anton | Lethal Weapon (IPWA/USCW): Adam Flash | The Extreme Horsemen (MLW): C. W. Anderson, Simond Diamond, Justin Credible, Barry Windham | P-Force Men (Zero-One MAX): Y2P-160kg | Old School Blondes (AWA): Ricky Landell | Team AWA (AWA): Joe Legend, "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka, "Unbreakable" Stevie Lynn, Dragon Aisu, "Wonderkid" Jonny Storm, Charlie Rage | Team JBL (UWF): Homicide, Hernandez, CW Anderson, JBL, "Primetime" Elix Skipper | Team Corino (1PW): Teddy Hart, Tracy Smothers, Chris Hamrick, Spud | - (NCW): Jed Diamond | - (ECWA): Simon Diamond | - (NWA): Chris Candido | - (NWA): Mike Rapada | - (FC): Adam Windsor | - (ECWA/NWA): Lance Diamond | - (MEWF): Jimmy Cicero | - (NWA/PWF): CW Anderson | - (AWC): ???? | - (HCW): Mr Wrestling II | - (WDB): Toshie Uematsu | - (3KW): Kid America | - (NWA/Zero-One): Charles Evans |
ECWWorld Heavyweight Champion ECW Manager | NWAWorld Heavyweight Title Light Heavyweight Title United States Tag Team Title [2] Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Pennsylvania Heavyweight Title North American Heavyweight Title [2] Intercontinental Tag Team Title [4] Florida Heavyweight Title New York-New Jersey World Class Heavyweight Title Southern Heavyweight Title /Florida Version/ Heartland States Heavyweight Title | AWA Superstars/Zero-One MAXWorld Heavyweight Title [2] World Tag Team Title | PCWFirst-ever Junior Heavyweight Title | IWAHeavyweight Title Junior Heavyweight Title [2] | ECWATag Team Title [2] | ESWLight Heavyweight Title | NWA 2000Light Heavyweight Title American Heritage Title | IWFHeavyweight Title American Heavyweight Title [2] | MEWFLight Heavyweight Title [3] Tag Team Title [3] Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title | AWCHeavyweight Title Tag Team Title | SCWLight Heavyweight Title | WWCJunior Heavyweight Title | PWFUniversal Heavyweight Title [4] Universal Tag Team Title [2] | Zero-One MAXUnited States Heavyweight Title United States Openweight Title [2] First-ever International Title North American Heavyweight Title | MLWWorld Heavyweight Title | PWEElite Championship Committee Member | PWAPure Wrestling Title [2] | KYDAHeavyweight Title Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title | USCWTag Team Title | NCWTag Team Title | OMEGAHeavyweight Title | IPWATag Team Title Light Heavyweight Title | USA Pro Wrestling (UXW)Heavyweight Title [2] | GSWWorld Heavyweight Title [3] Four Nation's Cup Winner | FCBANG! Television Title Tag Team Title | PWW1PWW1 Promoter PWW1 Booker | 1PWHeavyweight Title 1PW Booker | AIWAbsolute Title | HCWKekaulike Heritage Tag Team Title | UIWUnion Heavyweight Title | 3KW (Pro-Wrestling 3000)3KW Promoter 3KW Trainer Premier Tag Team Title | B4WHeavyweight Title | WDBMixed Tag Team Title | TWAHeavyweight Title | wXwBattle Royal Winner [2010] | WWE, ROH, Japan, WCW, YPW, PWU, UCW, JAPW, Pro Wrestling MADE, FWA, PWG, CWF, PCW, IWC, Hustle, BTW, TCW, Buffalo, MSPW, IWA Mid-South, UWF, ICWA, RWE, KAPOW, PWU, FTW, WOWпоясов нет | TournamentNWA Florida Heavyweight Title 8-Man Tournament Winner [2002] PCW First-ever Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1995] NWA Southern Heavyweight Title /Florida Version/ Tournament Winner [2002] GSW Heavyweight Title & Four Nation's Cup Tournament Winner [2005] UIW Heavyweight Title 8-Man Tournament Winner [2007] |
PWI - Most Improved Wrestler of the Year [2000]
Declaration of Independents - Mouth of the Year [2] 2005; 2006
Declaration of Independents - Feud of the Year [2003] vs Homicide