Выступал под именами: Sting, Blade Runner Sting, Blade Runner Flash, Steve "Justice" Borden, "The Crow" Sting, "Surfer" Sting, Flash Borden, "The Icon" Sting |
Коронные приемы: Смертельное Падение Скорпиона (Обратное ДДТ или Скуп Обратное ДДТ), Смертельный Укус Скорпиона (Снайпер), Удар Жалом (Сплэш в угол с разбега), Летящий Сплэш, Летящий Клофслайн, Ныряющее Кроссбоди, Фейс Джэм с разбега, Жесткое ДДТ, Одноручный Бульдог, Дропкик, Захват Муты (Захват Серпа), Прыжок Лягушки, Комбо Перевернутое ДДТ/ДДТ, атака черной бейсбольной битой, Военный Пресс Слэм, Бросок Живот-к-Спине, Спайнбастер, Сплэш, Клофслайн, Обратный Удар Локтя, Боди Слэм, Мускул Бастер (Брайнбастер с захватом ног), Торнадо ДДТ, Двойной Фейскрашер (с Великим Мутой) |
Коронные фразы: You're dead, Sting is back; Whoooooo!; It's Showtime, Folks!; We're having fun now!; Wooo!; Wooo, Baby!; Owww!; This - is - Sting!; Riddle me this, riddle me that...who's afraid of the big - black - bat?; I'm back, and I'm back in black!; The only thing that's for sure about Sting...is nothing's for sure!; Stizz-inger in the house!!; Oh death... Where is your Sting?; Stinger in the house! |
Откуда: Венис Бич, Калифорния |
Менеджер: Miss Elizabeth, Eddie Gilbert, Missy Hyatt |
Снимался в фильмах: The Real Reason Men Commit Crimes, Shutterspeed, Ready 2 Rumble, Thunder in Paradise (TV), Sting: Moment of Truth, Walker, Texas Ranger (TV), The Upright Citizens Brigade (TV), The Nightmare Room (TV), The Nick Cannon Show (TV), MADtv (TV), Praise The Lord (TV) |
Hot Stuff & Hyatt International (UWF, ????): Eddie Gilbert, Jack Victory, Rick Steiner, Missy Hyatt, John Tatum | The Four Horsemen (NWA, ????): Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson | Dudes With Attitude (WCW, 1989): Lex Luger, Junkyard Dog, Paul Orndorff, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, El Gigante | Hulkamaniacs (WCW, 1994-1995): Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Dave Sullivan | The Four Horsemen (WCW, 1989): Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson | Wolfpack (WCW, 1998): Kevin Nash, Lex Luger, Curt Hennig, Rick Rude, Konnan, Randy Savage | Powerteam USA (Memphis, 1985): Justice, Commando, Glory | Sting's Warriors (NWA, 2006): "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles, Ron "The Truth" Killings, Rhino | Main Event Mafia (TNA, 2008-2009): Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Sharmell, Scott Steiner, Kip James, Jenna Morasca |
| The Superpowers (WCW): British Bulldog | Freedom Fighters (Memphis): Blade Runner Rock | Blade Runners (Mid-South, Memphis): Blade Runner Rock | Sting's Squadron (WCW): Nikita Koloff, Dustin Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham | Sting's Warriors (NWA): AJ Styles, Ron Killings, Rhino | Team Angle (NWA): Kurt Angle, "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe, "The War Machine" Rhino, Jeff Jarrett | Team Cage (TNA): "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage, Kevin Nash, Matt Morgan, "The War Machine" Rhino | - (WCW): Lex Luger | - (WCW/HCW/Japan): The Great Muta | - (UWF): Eddie "Hot Stuff" Gilbert | - (UWF): Rick Steiner | - (WCW): The Giant | - (TNA): Kurt Angle | - (WCW/TNA): Kevin Nash | - (WCW): Scott Steiner |
WCWHeavyweight Champion [6] International World Heavyweight Champion [3] United States Heavyweigh Champion [2] World Tag Team Champion [3] "Triple Crown" Champion Battlebowl Winner King of Cable European Cup Winner 20-Man Battle Royal Winner [1991] 11-Man Battle Royal Winner [1993] | UWFTag Team Title [3] | NWAWorld Heavyweight Title [2] Television Title | WWASWorld Heavyweight Title | TNAWorld Heavyweight Title [4] World Tag Team Title | HCW, MACWпоясов нет | TournamentWCW European Cup Winner [2000] WCW King of Cable Tournament Winner [1992] WCW United States Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1991] WCW United States Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1995] NWA Crockett Cup Tag Team Tournament Winner [1988] NWA Iron Man Tournament Winner [1989] TNA World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Tournament Winner [2009] WCW London Lethal Lottery Tag Team Tournament Winner [2000] |
PWI - Wrestler of the Year [1990]
PWI - №1 of Annual Top 500 List [1992]
PWI - Most Popular Wrestler of the Year [4] - 1991; 1992; 1994; 1997
PWI - Most Improved Wrestler of the Year [1988]
PWI - Inspirational Wrestler of the Year [1990]
PWI - Match of the Year [1991] with Lex Luger vs Steiner Brothers
PWI - Comeback of the Year [2006]
PWI - Wrestler of the Year [1990]
PW - Torch Rising Star [1988]
Wrestling Observer - Most Improved Wrestler [1988]
Wrestling Observer - Worst Worked Match of the Year [1995] vs Tony Palmore
Wrestling Observer - Most Charismatic Wrestler [1988]
Wrestling Observer - Match of the Year [1988] vs Ric Flair
Wrestling Observer - Best Babyface [1992]
Wrestling Observer - Most Charismatic Wrestler [1992]
RSPW - Best Babyface [1992]
NWA - Comeback of the Year [2] 2003; 2006
NWA - Inspirational Wrestler of the Year [2006]
TNA - Inspirational Wrestler of the Year [2007]
TNA - Match of the Year [2008] vs Kurt Angle