Выступал под именами: Tank, "Sickle Wielding Maniac", "Strong Style Psycho", Tank Norton |
Коронные приемы: Чоук-Брекер, Ф-Бомба (Эмеральд Фрозиен), Обратный Захват-Крест, Двойное СТО (с Айсбергом), Крутящийся Обратный Удар Кулака, Отправляйся Спать |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Чикенхарт, Южная Дакота |
Менеджер: "Dragon" Dan Wilson, Ed Chuman, Al Getz |
Снимался в фильмах: |
NWA Midwest Faction (IWA Mid-South, 2005): Ed Chuman, Eric Priest, Chandler McClure, Vito Thomaselli, Sal Thomaselli | Extreme Freebirds (NAWA, 2004): Iceberg, Rick Michaels, Ray Gordy | The Devil's Rejects (NWA, 2006): Iceberg, Dan Wilson, Dominous, Azrael, Shaun Tempers | Getz Interprises (NWA, 2004): Al Getz, Jason Blackman, Jeff Lewis, Scottie Wrenn, Shaun Tempers, Bulldog Raines, Ace Rockwell | Six Feet Under (IWA Mid-South/IWA Deep South, 2007): Insane Lane, Freakshow | Team IWA Deep South (IWA Mid-South/IWA Deep South, 2007): Insane Lane, Chrisjen Hayme |
NWAWildside Tag Team Title /Georgia Version/ [5] Anarchy Heavyweight Title Anarchy Tag Team Title Tag Team Mega Rumble Winner [2004] 4th Annual Mysterious Benefactor Memorial Tag Team Tournament Winner | IWA Deep SouthKing of the Death Match Tournament Winner Tag Team Title | NAWA1st Annual Mysterious Benefactor Memorial Tag Team Tournament Winner | IWA Mid-SouthDeath Match Title | ROH, PWE, NFWAпоясов нет | TournamentNWA Wildside Tag Team Title /Georgia Version/ 16-Team Tournament Winner [2002] IWA Deep South King of the Death Match Tournament Winner [2005] NAWA 1st Annual Mysterious Benefactor Memorial Tag Team Tournament Winner [2003] NWA 4th Annual Mysterious Benefactor Memorial Tag Team Tournament Winner [2006] |
NWA Anarchy - Feud of The Year [2006] with Devil's Rejects vs Team Anarchy
NWA Anarchy - Most Hated Wrestler of The Year [2006] with Devil's Rejects
NWA Anarchy - Match of the Year [2006] with Azrael; Shaun Tempers & Iceberg vs Team Anarchy