WWEIntercontinental Champion [2] Tag Team Champion [2] King of the Ring [1989] Hall of Fame Inductee WWF Commentator | NWAECW Heavyweight Title Western States Tag Team Title | USA Pro Wrestling (UXW)First-ever Heavyweight Title | NSWAHeavyweight Title | AWFFirst-ever Heavyweight Title [2] AWF Owner | RWAHeavyweight Title | EWAHeavyweight Title | IWCHeavyweight Title | IWCCWHeavyweight Title | UWSTag Team Title | ????West Texas Heavyweight Title | IWAHeavyweight Title | IAWTelevision Title | UIWBattle Royal Winner [2007] | CWAHeavyweight Title | GWAHeavyweight Title | NWCHeavyweight Title | UCWHeavyweight Title | UWFAmerica's Title | AWA, Georgia, USWF, WCW, NCW, UPWA, JCW (Juggalo), ECPW, IWF, ECPW, NWS, The League, FEW, WWC, GLCW, Top Rope Promotions, PWX, MCW, SCW, NYWC, PWA, VCW, FWA, IPW, ECWA, NYWC, CCW, WCWA, AOMW, England, Japan, AAA, CW, SWS, WPW, XICWпоясов нет | TournamentWWF King of the Ring 1989 Tournament Winner [1989] AWF First-ever Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1996] |