Выступал под именами: Tom Brandi, Johnny Gun, Salvatore Sincere, New Patriot, "Bruttha" Brandi, Sal Sincere, "Mr Fantasy", "King of the Indies", Mr Chippendale, The American Patriot, The Patriot III, "Chippendale" Tom Brandi, "Pinky" |
Коронные приемы: Пресс Теза, Искренне Ваш (Боковой Суплекс из Полного Нельсона), Домашнее Землетрясение, Водоворотный Боди Слэм |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Филадельфия, Пеннсильвания |
Менеджер: Jim Cornette, Mr. Cedric, "PlayBoy" Jonathon Luvstruk, King DoIStink, Rocco Dorsey, Jimmy Clydesdale, Royce C. Profit |
Снимался в фильмах: |
The First Family (Maryland, ????): "Wiseguy" Jimmy Cicero, ???? | Camp Casanova (????, ????): King Kong Bundy, Tony DeVito | Rock 'N' Roll Connection (????, ????): ???? | The First Family (Memphis, ????): "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert, "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, Masanobг Fuchi, Killer Karl Krupp, Sheik Abdullah, Andy Kayfman, Rick McGraw, Masanobu Fuchi, The Great Nita, Jimmy Hart, "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel, Uncle Elmer, J. R. Hart, Jimmy Cicero | Heart Throb (World Class, 19??): Mr. Charisma, Mr. Romeo, Mr. Majestic | The Power Blasters (????, ????): ???? | The Profit Foundation (????, ????): ???? | The Player's Club (????, ????): ???? | Creative Control (MCW, 2006): Adam Flash, The Bruiser, Jimmy Cicero | ???? Family (MCW, 2007): Adam Flash, The Bruiser | Creative Control (NWS, 2007): Royce C. Profit, "Dastardly" Danny Doring, "Midnight Idol" Nicky Benz, King Kahlua, Sargeant Jimmy Storm | Creative Control (MCW, 2008): Kim McDevitt, Danny Jaxx, The Bruiser, Zachary Shane |
NWAJersey Heavyweight Title National Heavyweight Title ECW Tag Team Title | PWXHeavyweight Title | IWCCWFirst-ever Television Title | ICW (Insane)Tag Team Title | AWFTag Team Title First-ever International Heavyweight Title | IWA Mid-SouthHeavyweight Title | SCWHeavyweight Title Television Title | MEWFHeavyweight Title [2] Maryland Title Tag Team Title | IPWAHeavyweight Title [4] | USWFHeavyweight Title | MCW (Maryland)Heavyweight Title Tag Team Battle Royal Winner [2007] | IPWHeavyweight Title | IWCBattle Royal Winner [2004] | APWFHeavyweight Title | ????Mid-Promotional Battle Royal Winner [1999] | NCWHeavyweight Title | NWLHeavyweight Title | PWFTag Team Title | NAWAmerica's Heavyweight Title | UCWInternational Heavyweight Title | EWAHeavyweight Title | WOWFTag Team Title Junior Heavyweight Title | DWFHeavyweight Title | WCW, WWF, CPW, SMW, FMW, IZW, ASPW, WPW, EWA, AWA, NCW, NSW, PWW1, TNT Pro Wrestling, Chikara Pro, UPWA, ECPW, FWFпоясов нет |
MCW - Most Hated Wrestler of The Year [2007]