Выступал под именами: Triple H, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Terra Rizing, "The Game", "Cerebral Assassin", Jean Paul Levesque, "New Dirtiest Player In The Game", HHH, Hunter, Trips, "The King of the Kings", "The Connecticut Blueblood" |
Коронные приемы: Педигри (Фейсбастер из Двуручного Крюка), Высокое Колено (Прыгающий Удар Коленом в лицо), Перевернутый Индийский Захват, Крутящийся Спайнбастер, Клофслайн, Захват-Четверка, Удар Кувалдой, Бегущее Падение Колена, Падение Локтя, Слипер, ДДТ, Бегущий Некбрекер, Фейсбастер об колено, Чоп Блок, Падение Колена, Ныряющее Падение Колена, Падающий Некбрекер, Бэкдроп, Каттер (как Хантер Хеарст Хелмсли), Абдоминал Стретч, Бэкбрекер, Удушение, Дроп Той Холд, Икс-Марка (Комбо Сладкая Зубная Боль/Педигри, с Шоном Майклзом), Двойное ДДТ (с Шоном Майклзом), Комбо Крутящийся Спайнбастер/Ныряющее Падение Локтя (с Шоном Майклзом), Помогающий Катапультированный Сентон (с Шоном Майклзом), Комбо Снайпер/Захват Крест (с Шоном Майклзом), Комбо Фейсбастер об колено/Перевернутое Атомное Падение (с Шоном Майклзом) |
Коронные фразы: S*ck It!; I am... The Game and I am that - damn - good!; I'm the Game,You dont want to play me.; I'm that... damn... good; Arrogance is truth; Screw The Rules - I am The Game!; Game Over!; I am the Game, I don't need luck!; You're looking at the greatest wrestler alive today: The Game, Triple H!; You see, pain is just temporary. But The Game, Chris, The Game is forever!; This Game is not over, it is just beginning!; This is a game that you don't want to be in!; They're going! Easy, tough guy; you'll get your shot!; There is only room for 1 king in this God-forsaken jungle; Enter this world and you will feel my wrath!; Play this game and you're gonna get hurt; What I am bringing is going to be more than you can ever handle!; When I get that sick, when I get that twisted, I will love every second of it; You will step into the ring with The Game, the greatest wrestler of all time!; I got my hand on my joystick; This show is x-rated!; What the hell kind of show is this?; My bazooka is locked, cocked, and ready to unload!; Triple H has got the head if you got the class!; I am The King of Kings!; I am a 10-Time World Heavyweight Champion! |
Откуда: Гринвич, Коннектикут |
Менеджер: Sable, Chyna, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Perfect, Stephanie McMachon, Vince McMachon, "HBK" Shawn Michaels, Trish Stratus, "The Nature Boy" Riс Flair, Lord Steven Regal, "Ravishing" Rick Rude |
Снимался в фильмах: Blade III, Journey of Death (Jornada del Muerte) |
DeGeneration X (WWF, 1997-1998): X-Pac, Jesse James, Billy Gunn, Rick Rude, Jim Neidhart, Mike Tyson, Shawn Michaels, Chyna | Corporation X (WWF, 1999): Shane McMachon, Shawn Michaels, Chyna | The McMahon-Helmsley Faction (WWF, 2000): Vince McMachon, Shane McMachon, Stephanie McMachon, X-Pac, Road Dogg, Tori, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, Billy Gunn, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Test, Albert, Trish Stratus, Bull Buchannan | The Corporation (WWF, 1998-1999): Shane McMachon, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, The Big Boss Man, Chyna, Mankind, Sgt. Slaughter, Shawn Michaels, Kane, Paul Wight, Ken Shamrock, Rocky Maivia, Test, Vince McMahon | The Corporate Ministry (WWF, 1999): Shane McMachon, The Undertaker, Paul Bearer, The Acolytes, Mideon, Viscera | The Kliq (WWF, 1996): Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman, Justin Credible, Shawn Michaels | Evolution (WWE, 2002-2003): "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, Batista, "Legend Killer" Randy Orton | Corporate Game (WWF, 2001): Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, William Regal, Steve Austin |
WWEHeavyweight Champion [7] Undisputed Champion World Heavyweight Champion [5] Intercontinental Champion [5] European Champion [2] World Tag Team Champion Unified Tag Team Champion King of the Ring [1997] Royal Rumble Winner [2002] "Triple Crown" Champion "Grand Slam" Title Winner Battle Royal Winner [1995] 10-Man Battle Royal Winner [2009] | IWFHeavyweight Title Tag Team Title | WCW, ECWпоясов нет | TournamentWWF Road to WrestleMania Tournament Winner [2006] WWF King of the Ring 1997 Tournament Winner [1997] |
Slammy Award Winner [1997] - Best Hair
RSPW - Most Favorite Wrestler [2000]
RSPW - Most Improved Wrestler [2000]
RSPW - Most Overrated Wrestler [3] 2002; 2003; 2004
RSPW - Best Match [2001] with Austin vs Jericho & Benoit
RSPW - Best Wrestler [2000]
RSPW - Best Heel [3] 1999; 2000; 2004
PW Torch - MVP [2000]
PW Torch - Rising Star [1995]
PW Torch - Match of the Year [2001] vs Steve Austin
PW Torch - Feud of the Year [2000] vs Mick Foley
PWI - Feud of the Year [2] 2000 vs Kurt Angle; 2004 vs Chris Benoit
PWI - №1 of Annual Top 500 List [2] 2000; 2009
PWI - Most Hated Wrestler of the Year [3] 2003; 2004; 2005
PWI - Match of the Year [2004] vs Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels
Wrestling Observer - Hall of Fame [2005]
Wrestling Observer - Wrestler of the Year [2000]
Wrestling Observer - Feud of the Year [3] 2000 vs Mick Foley; 2004 vs Chris Benoit & Shawn Michaels; 2005 vs Batista
Wrestling Observer - Most Overrated Wrestler [3] 2002; 2003; 2004
Wrestling Observer - Worst Feud of the Year [2002] vs Kane
Wrestling Observer - Worst Worked Match of the Year [2] 2003 vs Scott Steiner; 2008 vs Edge vs Vladimir Kozlov