The Mega Bucks (WWF, 1988): Bobby "The Brain" Hennan, "Million Dollar Man" Ted Debiase, Andre The Giant | New World Order (nWo) (WCW, 1996): Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Ted DeBiase, Eric Bischoff, Syxx, Scott Norton, Mr. Wallstreet, Big Bubba Rogers, Buff Bagwell, Masahiro Chono, nWo Sting, The Giant, Nick Patrick | New World Order (nWo) (WCW, 1997): Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Syxx, Eric Bischoff, Rick Rude, Scott Norton, Konnan, Buff Bagwell, Hiroshi Tenzan, Keiji Muto, Masa Hiro Chono, Scott Norton, Randy Savage, Miss Elizabeth, Dennis Rodman, Curt Hennig | nWo Black & White (WCW, 1999): Scott Norton, Stevie Ray, Curt Hennig, Horace Hogan, The Giant | West Texas Rednecks (WCW, 1999): Curt Hennig, Bobby Duncum Jr; Kendall Windham, Barry Windham | Creative Control (WCW, 1999): Patrick, Gerald, Curt Hennig, La Parka, Vince Russo, Jeff Jarrett |